Stephanie Murray
Stephanie Murray, the Deputy Mayor of Middletown Township, was named the Borough Administrator of West Long Branch, a part time position, at the August 9 council meeting of the borough. Murray started the job on August 23.
“I’m thrilled to be able to start my new career in such a wonderful community,” Murray said. “The experience and knowledge I’ve acquired over the last six years as a member of the Middletown Township committee will contribute to the people of West Long Branch and my experience there will contribute to the people of Middletown.”
Murray is a graduate of the Rutgers University School of Public Affairs and Administration’s Certified Public Management Program, a curriculum she completed at her own expense last month. She said that she applied for the West Long Branch job after seeing it posted on the NJ League of Municipalities website in July. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 14th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Middletown, Monmouth County News, West Long Branch | Tags: Mayor Janet Tucci, Middletown, Monmouth County News, Stephanie Murray, West Long Branch | 1 Comment »
WEST LONG BRANCH – A West Long Branch man has been charged in connection with a Route 36 crash that killed a Long Branch woman Sunday morning, authorities said. Victor Moreno-Lopez, 27, was driving his 2005 Ford F150King Ranch pick-up truck east on the highway near its intersection with Monmouth Road just after 4 a.m. when… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 15th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Crime, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor, West Long Branch | Tags: Crime, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Tricia Kurtanick, Vehicular Homicide, Victor Moreno-Lopez, West Long Branch | Comments Off on Man charged with vehicular homicide after crash that killed Long Branch woman
Voters in the Freehold Borough, Ocean Township and West Long Branch School Districts went to the polls yesterday to decide the fate of school construction bonding proposals.
In Freehold, 611 voters, 11% of those registered rejected borrowing $33 million for school construction by 241 to 370. An identical referendum was defeated by Borough voters on September 30 by 273 to 374. There are 1644 students residing in the district. The average property tax bill in Freehold Borough would have increased by $278 per year had the measure passed.
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Posted: December 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Education, Elections, Freehold, Monmouth County, Ocean Township, West Long Branch | Tags: Freehold Borough School Referendum, Monmouth County, Ocean Township School Referendum, School Referendums, West Long Branch School Referendum | 3 Comments »

The Greater Shore Concert Bandwill be performing it’s
SPRING PROGRAM tonight at 7:30 PM at the
Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 992 Broadway, West Long Branch
The Greater Shore Concert Band of Monmouth County, New Jersey is comprised of amateur musicians who meet, practice and perform
for the love of music. The band is comprised of approximately
70 musicians whose ages range from students in junior high school to retired individuals.
The band’s concerts consist of marches, symphonies, overtures and
popular music. The band performs a series of winter concerts and a spring concert.
The band is a non-profit and volunteer organization. Band members
are not paid for their services. The band is self-funding through concert ticket sales, program advertisements and donations.
This is a Free Will Offering Event, donations are gratefully accepted
If you miss this performance, the GSCB will be at Wall High School
on Friday, May 9th. This is their fundraising event and tickets are $10
The above information was brought to you by,
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner of
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth, www.bizeturtle.com
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth County
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: May 6th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, West Long Branch | Tags: band, Concert, music, spring, West Long Branch | Comments Off on Tuesday, May 6, Greater Shore Concert Band Spring Concert

It will be warm and dry inside today at Branches Catering
123 Monmouth Road W. Long Branch, NJ 07764
Doors open at 4:30
Great Door Prizes, Food Tasting, Free Networking
Over 80 exhibitors, food, prizes, networking and a
food drive to support Lunch Break!
Bring a non-perishable food item to drop off at
the Lunch Break Booth.
Free Admission with a Business Card!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 30th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, West Long Branch | Tags: admission, bizeturtle, business, Donation, eastern chamber of commerce, food, lunch break, network, prizes | Comments Off on BizConnect Networking Expo

Two Shows: 10 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
Erth’s DINOSAUR ZOO Live™ takes you on a tour through
pre-historic Australia, bringing an eye-popping array of ancient
creatures to life on stage.
Erth’s DINOSAUR ZOO™ Live is a unique interactive theater
performance that stimulates the imagination in a way that connects
children to their world.
On Tuesday, April 29
At Monmouth University, Pollak Theatre
Tickets: $25/adults; $15/children)
Contact: 732-263-6889
Posted: April 28th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, West Long Branch | Tags: children, dinosaurs, fun, interactive, Monmouth University, theater | Comments Off on Erth’s DINOSAUR ZOO™ Live
By Mayor Michael J. Mahon, Oceanport and Mayor Janet W. Tucci, West Long Branch
On behalf of the Governing Body of our respective communities, we are proud to announce a shared service agreement to provide emergency communications & dispatch services in a joint operation hosted by the West Long Branch Police in the their recently constructed state of the art facility on Broadway. Oceanport will pay West Long Branch $150,000 annually, cutting current annual costs for local dispatch by nearly 50% for each community. Annual increases of 2% are included in the agreement with the boroughs projecting a joint savings of $1.3 Million over the initial five (5) year term.
Leading the local effort has been a Joint Public Safety Committee with representatives from each municipality. Representing Oceanport has been Mayor Michael J. Mahon, Council Members Jay Briscione (now John W. Ibex) & William Johnson along with Police Chief Harold Sutton and Borough Administrator Kimberly A. Jungfer. Representing West Long Branch has been Mayor Janet W. Tucci, Council President Barbara Ruane, Council Members Christopher Neyhart and J. Thomas DeBruin along with Police Chief Arthur A. Cosentino, Captain Larry Mihlon and Borough Administrator John J. Kennedy.
Today marks the beginning of a cooperative effort to reduce the cost of essential services on local taxpayers and meet the requirements of the 2% Cap Law for both borough’s in their 2011 budget. This agreement establishes a single dispatch center in West Long Branch providing public safety communications for two police departments working together on a single frequency. At the same time, it provides a communications console in Oceanport as a back up and for local emergency operations. Thanks are due to the entire Oceanport and West Long Branch Council’s for supporting the efforts of the Joint Committee.
West Long Branch and Oceanport share history and a special relationship with each other dating back to our origins as municipalities and includes regional public schools, recreation programs, environmental advocacy and mutual aid for fire and first aid. Our focus on shared dispatch services as a means to controlling property taxes marks a time in New Jersey where the emphasis on doing more with less is ever present. This effort began in 2008 with the first 50% reduction in state aid for municipalities of less than 10,000 residents. Mayors Tucci and Mahon echoed the same concerns and encouraged our governing bodies to examine every opportunity to match services. Together we have forged this partnership to make the financial and technological resources available, and bring about a solution that protects our Public Safety personnel and serves our residents. Today, the reality is Oceanport and West Long Branch are in this together. And together we have worked, and will continue to work on completing this project. Discussions on merging or sharing other services are being studied.
Along the way we have needed the support and cooperation of the Police Departments; Chief Arthur Cosentino and Captain Larry Mihlon accompanied by Chief Harold Sutton and Captain Mauro Baldanza (Ret.). Their support and professionalism will determine our mutual success and we are depending on their continued commitment to this effort. The Joint Public Safety Committee will play a continuing role in accordance with the Inter Local Agreement. The next phase has already begun; equipment and software are being installed, and staff is being reduced through attrition or transfer. Joint dispatch operations are set to begin as early as April 1, 2011. Residents won’t notice a difference and will continue to dial 9-1-1 for emergencies and use the current non-emergency numbers for other police business
Posted: March 3rd, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: Oceanport, Shared Services, West Long Branch | Tags: Oceanport, Shared Services, West Long Branch | Comments Off on Oceanport and West Long Branch To Share Emergency Communications and Dispatch Services