Domenic DiPiero, the new owner of the Two River Times. photo via uhnj.org
RedBankGreen is reporting that the news weekly, The Two River Times‘s, ownership has changed hands.
Domenic DiPiero, founder and president of Newport Capital Group bought the paper from Mickey Gooch, founder and president of GFI Group under terms that have not been disclosed.
DiPiero is a lifelong Two Rivers area resident, according to an announcement of the paper’s sale posted on it’s website on Monday.
“I look forward to continuing the great tradition that The Two River Times has built. I want the newspaper to continue to be a source of pride and news in the community,” DiPiero said, according to the TRT announcement.
Gooch, and his now ex-wife Diane, bought the paper from Geraldo Rivera in 2004.
Posted: July 17th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, News, NJ Media, Two River Times | Tags: Diane Gooch, Domenic DePiero, Geraldo Rivera, Mickey Gooch, Two River Times | Comments Off on Two River Times Is Sold
Diane Gooch has stepped down as publisher of the Two River Times in order to focus her efforts on her philanthropic and political activities, according to an article in the weekly newspaper that she owns with her husband Mickey.
“Serving the community is my passion,” said Gooch. “Doing so by publishing The Two River Times™ has been an honor, a pleasure, and a learning experience. I am proud of the journalism we created since I took over as publisher. Helping serve our loyal readers and advertisers has enabled me to grow intimately familiar with the concerns of our neighbors and small business owners. I look forward to continuing to fight for our beautiful corner of New Jersey through my philanthropy and advocacy work.”
The Gooches have hired Ellen McCarthy of Fair Haven to shepherd the newspaper they purchased from Geraldo Rivera in 2004.
McCarthy’s journalism career dates back to 1987 and includes positions with The Asbury Park Press and The Star Ledger.
Posted: June 18th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Diane Gooch, Two River Times | Tags: Diane Gooch, Ellen McCarthy, Mickey Gooch, Two River Times | 17 Comments »