The New Jersey Attorney General’s Office has seized the assets of Birdsall Services Group, the Eatontown based engineering and consulting firm that does did business with Monmouth County and many government entities throughout the state, according to a Star Ledger report on
The firm and seven of it’s executives, including former CEO Howard Birdsall, were indicted on felony pay to play charges on Tuesday. The indictments allege that the firm and the executives skirted New Jersey’s ELEC regulations by having employees make political contributions below the disclosure threashold, $300, and later reimbursed the employees through bonuses. The scheme enabled the firm to accept government contracts they would have been disqualified for had the company made the political donations directly to the candidates or committees receiving the funds.
Monmouth County Assignment Judge Lawrence M. Lawson signed the order authorizing the state to seize all of the firms assests and to retain the property as evidence in a criminal proceeding subject to permanent forfeiture.
Posted: March 27th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Birdsall Engineering, Crime and Punishment | Tags: Birdsall Services Group, Howard Birdsall, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson | 14 Comments »

Photo credit:Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office
TRENTON–Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa announced today that more than 1,500 guns were turned in by Monmouth County residents during a state-sponsored gun buyback event held at churches in Asbury Park and Keansburg this past weekend.
According to Chiesa, county residents turned in a total of 1,581 guns – including 15 assault weapons –during the two-day buyback held at the Shiloh Community Fellowship Ministry in Asbury Park and the Saint Ann Catholic Church in Keansburg.
The number of guns obtained in Monmouth County brings to 7,092 the total number of firearms collected so far as a result of four state-led gun buybacks. A buyback held in Camden County last December yielded 1,137 guns, and a buyback in Mercer County in January brought in another 2,604 firearms. A February buyback held in Essex County resulted in the collection of another 1,770 guns.
Attorney General Chiesa said this past weekend’s strong turn-out by Monmouth County residents demonstrates continued support of the State-led buyback initiative by citizens concerned about gun violence and eager to help rid their communities of dangerous firearms.
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Posted: March 12th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Guns, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Press Release | Tags: Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Christopher Gramiccioni, Gun Buyback, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, NJ Attorney General | 6 Comments »