…and why I wrote it
By Art Gallagher
As a political blogger, I expected that my story about former NFL player and convicted sex offender Christian Peter being on a Christie fund raising committee would be viewed in a political context. Both Democrats and Republicans asked me, “Why are you taking a shot at Christie?” “I’m not,” I replied, “I’m taking a shot at Peter. I am close to a few sexual assault survivors and I am related to recovering alcoholics. I don’t give sexual predators or addicts any slack.” “Yeah, right,” they said, “you’re taking a shot at Christie.” That’s they would be doing.
I confess, if I found out that Peter was on the host committee of a Menendez or Buono fundraiser, my inner partisan blogger would be inclined to make hay with that information. But I would wait until after the fundraiser. I would try to get photos taken at the fundraiser of Peter with the candidate and the other politicians present and then wait to use them to strike or counter-strike at the opportune time. That’s how the game is played, as they say. But sexual assault and the destructive wake of addiction is not a game for me.
So, my inner political blogger did my friends who will be attending the Christie fundraiser a favor. Most that of them that I talked to before I published the story had either forgotten about or never knew of Peter’s history of violence against women, even though it was written about just four months ago in the New York Times. Who would have guessed that my political friends don’t read the New York Times’ sports section? Now they know about Peter’s history. They can choose to pose for pictures with him, or have a drink with him, or not, with full knowledge of his history.
That’s part of why I wrote the story, but not the most important reason.
The story I wanted to write about Peter is a tale of how he’s turned his life around. A tale about his triumph over his demons. About how he’s made amends to the people he has hurt. I wanted to write about how he is making a difference for battered women and how he’s training young athletes not to make the mistakes he’s made.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 6th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Ashley Dupree, Christian Peter, Crime and Punishment, Rape | Tags: Chris Christie, Christian Peter, Christie fundraiser, Rape, Violence Against Women | 9 Comments »

NY Post photo
New York Post love and sex columnist Ashley Dupre is opening a lingerie boutique in Red Bank.
RedBankGreen broke the story.
Femmebyashley is opening on Broad Street in May.
Dupre gained notoriety as a result of her involvement in the scandal that forced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer from office.
Ashley was made infamous, not famous, by the Elliot Spitzer scandal. It is nothing she hoped for and nothing she takes pride in. She is, however, very proud of the person she has become since that scandal. Closing the door on that chapter of her life with great integrity, Ashley has moved on to be a positive force for people of all ages by taking her experiences and using them to help others lead better, more productive, fulfilling, positive lives.
~ from Ashley Dupre’s myspace page
Based on a recent column, it would seem Dupre certainly believes in her product:
My boyfriend has a huge lingerie fetish. He loves me in anything with lace, and especially anything sheer. But sometimes I worry that he’s more interested in my Victoria’s Secrets than my actual secret spot. How can I tell if the fetish has gone too far?
Trina, 25, Far Rockaway
Loving lingerie is just fine. This is what’s wrong with women today: You start a relationship wearing sexy lingerie for your man, and then after a little bit, once you get comfortable, you just don’t feel like doing it anymore. Come on, it’s lingerie! A pretty harmless “fetish”— if it can even be classified as one— if you ask me. You should feel sexy and confident that he loves looking at you in it. It’s not like he’s going out with some woman behind your back to satisfy his urges. Personally, I think there is nothing sexier than a woman with a sick pair of high heels accompanied by beautiful pieces of lingerie. Not only is it hot for your man to look at, seeing yourself look so sensuous can be a major turn-on for you as well.
The only potential issue is if you have some body issues, which every woman has from time to time, regardless of how attractive she is. Maybe the real problem here is you and not him. I know when I gain a few pounds I feel like jumping into my cotton pajamas rather than slipping on a silk nightie. When that happens, you have to step back and get yourself back on the right page. Focus on yourself and take care of your body. Go to the gym for an hour, five days a week, and get back to what makes you feel secure and sexy in your own skin. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to be the person your husband or boyfriend fell in love with. Otherwise, it’s just false advertising.
Good luck, Ashley. With all the free advertising you’ve received, the store should have a great start.
Posted: February 25th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Ashley Dupree, Economy, Red Bank | Tags: Ashely Dupre, Eliot Spitzer, femmebyashley, lingerie, lingerie fetish, myspace, Red Bank, RedBankGreen | 11 Comments »