Black Kids In Asbury Park Shooting Each Other, Part Two: The 35 People Who Are At Fault
By Tommy DeSeno, also published in the April 26 edition of the triCityNews
In the last issue of Justified Right we printed Part One of this series, wherein the “Moynihan Report” of 1965 was revisited for its thesis that the reason poor black children in America struggle is due to the absence of a father in the household.
Statistics, as pointed out in that report, reveal that the nuclear Black family with both parents in the household see their children grow up on average with higher IQs, less crime and more financial success than their single mother counterparts.
The rate of fatherless households among poor black families has grown since 1965, and as predicted by the Moynihan Report, education and upward mobility has been stifled while crime among poor black youth still far outstrips that of their black and white nuclear family counterparts.
The uselessness of government trying to respond to societal problems couldn’t have more empirical proof than comparing the trillions of dollars in social programs from Roosevelt’s New Deal, through Johnson’s Great Society up to ObamaCare to the continued deterioration of the poor black family in America despite all that government futility.
Locally in Asbury Park, Mayor Ed Johnson grew tired of complaints at the City Council meeting about the lack of government response to the problems of black youth shooting each other, and newspapers reported the Mayor said: “How in the world do we expect our children to treat each other better when we treat each other badly…” Nice job, Rodney King. “Can’t we all just get along?”
I’m teasing the Mayor, because he is right. Why ask for government repair of a problem the government is ill equipped to fix? Government may be to blame for the continued deterioration of poor black families through the false security of welfare that keeps poor blacks on the Democrat plantation rather than encouraging them to take a chance and soar off of it. However, the government isn’t the one who has abandoned trying to help poor blacks (no matter how misguided the attempt, at least government tried). I promised last week to reveal the identity of 35 people who are to blame right here in Asbury Park.
There are 35 churches in Asbury Park and I indict every one of them for abandoning their role as shepherds of people toward virtue to the growing secular idol of government as the way to goodliness.
Prior to 1753 the church was in charge of marriages and with it the sanctity of couples committing to one another for life. In that year the British Parliament passed “The Marriage Act,” wrestling control of marriage away from the church and making it a government enterprise complete with licensing fees and eventually taxes. Marriage itself has lost its holy grace and has become a document you buy at City Hall at the same window where they sell dog tags. Divorce rates now compare to marriage rates. That’s what happens when the church bows to Caesar – the churches’ congregation does as well.
It is not just on the issue of marriage, but the Church has gone on to ignoring more and more of the positions of the American left-wing as solutions to the problems of the impoverished.
Pope Leo XIII’s “Rerum Novarum” in 1891 said too much government involvement, “The socialists, therefore, in setting aside the parent and setting up a State supervision, act against natural justice, and destroy the structure of the home.” Indeed. That was reaffirmed by Pope John Paul II a hundred years later in Centesimus Annus.
Both of those works affirmed the goodliness of private property, something lost on social welfare types. They never encourage the poor to gain their own.
Despite that sure blueprint, the flock of Christians in the United States and Catholics in particular have a growing unawareness of the perils of government intrusion into the family and property. When a sheep gets lost – part of the blame belongs to the sheep, but also to the Shepherd. The flock has been ceding power to big government despite their church’s opposition.
While American leftists make light of “value voters” they ignore the damage the lack of values causes in creating single parent homes.
The single pregnant woman was at one time held up to scorn, and perhaps that was hurtful. In our efforts over the years to avoid insulting her, we have given the wrong impression that it is acceptable to be in a broken home. Reject the “values” part of it if you wish – but don’t ignore the proofs evident since The Moynihan report of what single parenting has done to the poor black family. They turn to the government promise that they can eat without working, instead of depending upon their own free will. When government fails them, as it will, hunger turns to anger. They should be turning to core values for answers instead.
Poor black children have lost their way in Asbury Park to the point of shooting one another. Church leaders do nothing more than appear at rallies and mock government. Instead of the Church preaching “the way” out of that problem they ask government what to do. What a failure of evangelicalism!
Jesus did not rally Caesar to action. He rallied the people to help themselves. Our churches are not doing the same.
I suggest they start with this:
Thessalonians 3:10: If a man shall not work, he shall not eat.
1 Timothy 5:8 is a more appropriate Bible passage for the topic above.
In 1965, 25% of black children born in America were born into single-parent households. Today, 75% of black children born in America are born into single-parent households.
Tommy De Seno is right to suggest that black illegitimacy rates are the cause of all too many of the problems facing black Americans today. That said, Tommy DeSeno is naive to the point of being delusional to think that any amount of preaching from our nation’s pulpits will significantly change black culture. It won’t. Large numbers of black men are not going to suddenly decide to live chaste lives whilst single because of something they heard from the pulpit. They certainly aren’t going to do so because “Catholics in particular” begin preaching more frequently on topics more to Mr. DeSeno’s liking.
Suddenly? Who said suddenly?
“Despite that sure blueprint, the flock of Christians in the United States and Catholics in particular have a growing unawareness of the perils of government intrusion into the family and property.” — Tommy DeSeno
So the Jews get a pass, do they?
dads of any color take responsibility for their children and marry the moms, and form a traditional nuclear family, when all they have to do is be the unnamed “guy under the bed”, and march them into any welfare/benefits office, and sign up for what can amount to anywhere from $30-50,000 worth of taxpayer-funded benefits, ad infinitum?.. when ol’ Hillary started with the “it takes a village” postulizing, it all really exploded, and we’re now so into this lifelong, third-generational, entitlemant society, that we likely will never be able to get out of it: no one wants to be the “bad guy,” to try and require any kind of work, drug testing,voter id’s, ANY kind of personal responsibility- so this is why we are broker than ever..there’s
no end to it.. ..helping the truly needy is one thing, having to pay for everyone’s every need, from cradle- to- grave, is long out of control, more and more each day, and will be/is, the final ruination of this country.. we simply can’t sustain it, with the few working taxpayers that are left..
Tommy is making a point—-for
ALL people everywhere: that the FAMILY is the foundational unit of society….that children do best when raised in a family with both a mother (the feminine) and father (the masculine) cooperating in raising the children…providing safety and security…providing role models….(etc)
Doesn’t matter black, white, green, polka-dotted, (Christian, Jewish, non-believing)—kids do best with a mom and a dad and a sense of Family. That’s the way God set it up; that’s what works best.
i believe Tommy is asking the churches to better communicate/foster/promote/teach——besides “God/Jesus”——FAMILY & family values. Because that’s all the stuff that provides glue to hold the Family together.
Government-anything is a poor substitute for family, period.
A courageous message and well stated.
Applicable to all of society not just Asbury Park.
Thanks Mike. This is the thing that is so scary to me: we are waking up to seeing there are layers and layers and layers of problems now in our country/society/culture—(each poster here points to something that is wrong)—but— what’s the core problem? The foundational thing(s) that got changed…? –so that it feels/looks like we’re being eaten away at…..our American psyche is threatened……as is our American “way of life”. We’re being hollowed out, gutted…. our very Country is endangered…
Been happening over a long period.
My point: To me, the Obama-Everything is a wake-up call, yanking us into awareness…into looking more carefully, paying attention, thinking about what is REALLY important–getting clearer and clearer–and then to find the something inside to take some ACTIONS to —-preserve? protect? defend? do the WORK to create—->what is good, positive, life-enhancing.
Tommy is doing his part. Tea Party folks are trying their best. Churches are waking up and getting with the program. Art’s forum here helps. Look what Shelly is doing with Agenda 21…..(ETC) The people who are trying to make a difference for the good should be supported/encouraged/affirmed——not blasted out of the water for a tiny misstep.
What is good/Godly– what is positive and life-enhancing—what engenders and fosters Love (light, hope, faith)——can that be what we run on?