
First Ballot Results

County Clerk Claire French, left, Hedra Siskel, Supt of Election and Bertha Sumick double check the tally

County Clerk Claire French, right, Hedra Siskel, Supt of Elections, center and Bertha Sumick, Deputy Clerk of Elections, double check the tally

Serena DiMaso: 243

Peter Doyle:  64
Ryan Green: 39
Bob Walsh: 140
DiMaso won 50% of the votes.  The rules require 50% plus one for a new Freeholder to be elected.
The machines are being reset.  The second ballot voting with only the top two vote getters from the first ballot, Serena DiMason and Bob Walsh will commence shortly.
Posted: January 14th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “First Ballot Results”

  1. Barry said at 11:10 am on January 14th, 2012:

    If that 487th person voted (486 ballots cast) for Serena, the second ballot drama would have been avoided.