What if Kyrillos goes to Washington?
By Art Gallagher
From the getting way ahead of ourselves department, what impact would Joe Kyrillos’ election to the U.S. Senate next year have on the Monmouth County political landscape?
Kyrillos’ entry into the U.S. Senate field is probably an indication that bio-tech entrepreneur John Crowley will not be a candidate. As a former State GOP Chairman and Christie confidant, Kyrillos would not announce an exploratory committee if he had not already explored the level of support he would have with the GOP power and fundraising establishment. Should Kyrillos seek the nomination to challenge Senator Robert Menendez, he will probably get it.
If Kyrillos beats Menendez we will probably also have a new President on January 20, 2013. For Menendez to be beat in 2012, Obama’s showing in New Jersey will have to be weak and without coat tails.
Should that happen, the Monmouth County Republican Committee would elect a 13th district Senator who would serve until a special election in November of 2013. Assembly members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon would likely seek to move up into Kyrillos’ seat. If one of the Assembly members moves up, the committee would then be charged with filling an Assembly vacancy.
The field for the Assembly seat could be crowded, as there is a deep bench of GOP talent residing in the new 13th district.
Middletown is the largest town in the district and has a wealth of electable talent. Freeholder John Curley, Mayor Tony Fiore and former Mayor Gerry Scharfenberger would all be strong candidates. Scharfenberger would face giving up his job in the Christie administration. Curley, who will probably be Freeholder Director in 2012 with Rob Clifton moving to the Assembly in the 12th district, would have a tough choice between Freehold and Trenton.
If Curley sought and won the Assembly seat, it would set off a county wide race for his replacement on the Freeholder Board, assuming he is reelected next year.
Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre, the only Mayor in history to lower property taxes four years in a row, would be a formidable candidate.
Marlboro, the second largest town in the district would probably be the source of Democratic candidates. Mayor Jon Hornick would have his shot to move up. He would be a strong Senate candidate against Handlin or O’Sanlon. Jeff Cantor could be a Democratic candidate for Assembly. The Marlboro GOP has yet to recover from the splits that contributed to Hornik defeating former Mayor Robert Kleinberg in 2007 or Cantor’s switch to the Democratic party in 2009. Cantor was a GOP candidate for Freeholder in 2007.
Hazlet Mayor Scott Aagre would deserve consideration should he have aspirations for higher office. Union Beach Councilman Charlie Cocuzza is popular and ambitious.
Keyport Mayor Robert McCleod, a former municipal judge who took one for the team to run against Frank Pallone in 2008 could decide that he is better suited to serve in the Assembly than to preside over the rough and tumble of Keyport politics.
Former Highlands Mayor and former Freeholder Anna Little could be a contender depending upon how her 2012 congressional ambitions work out.
If Little doesn’t run, her close ally, Atlantic Highlands Mayor Fred Rast could be a contender.
From the southern part of the new 13th, Oceanport Councilman Joe Irace has made a good name for himself as a strong advocate of Oceanport’s interests with Fort Monmouth and Monmouth Park. However, Irace’s advocacy for Oceanport has ruffled feathers with Republicans in the County, the Legislature and the Christie administration. He would need a strong grassroots organization to move up.
From the Monmouth GOP should have conventions department, if Freeholder Director Rob Clifton is elected to the Assembly this November, the Monmouth Republican Committee will be required to have a Title 19 convention to choose his replacement on the Freeholder Board in early 2012. Should Kyrillos go to Washington in early 2013, the Monmouth GOP could potentially have three Title 19 conventions in early 2013; one to elect Kyrillos’ replacement in the State Senate, one to choose a 13th district Assembly member assuming either Handlin or O’Scanlon moves up to the Senate and one to elect a Freeholder should Curley seek and win the vacant Assembly seat.
It will all be enough to turn Chairman Joe Oxley grey, assuming he is reelected Chairman next June.
I would love to See Mr. Curley move up to Trenton he is exactly the kind of representative we need there, I would be fully in support of him moving directly to the state senate. The only question with Mayor Halfacre is will he have time to stop in Trenton on his way to DC
Mr. Curley ,would be a strong contender for any seat. He is principaled and rock solid conservitive.Lot’s of Love for John Curley.Plus he is spit fire passionate. If you want to represent me ,you best be as passionate about the issues as I am.John fills those shoes like custon fit Hand made shoes.I would send him to Trenton or washington,Either of the two he would stirr things up and speak the truth.Never mind hold no punches.
Joseph Kyrillos and 34 Senators voted yes to S2199; establishes an advisory council on end of life care – otherwise, known as death panels. To even entertain the thought that Senator Kryillos would be a viable candidate for United States Senator is insulting to my intelligence. The Republicans decision to support s2199, proves they do not mind being the minority party as long as it does not affect their jobs. Indeed, we just witnessed a totalitarian travesty vote yes on a bill that every sensible human being despises. Government intervention on an individual’s existence is beyond apprehension. I would never defend Sen. Kryillos’s case for his decision. The S2199 vote by every legislator is unforgivable. According to several sources, Kryillos did not know what he voted for. Therefore, if you are voting for something that you have no awareness of – you are not worthy of anyones constituency. The same formula applies to My Senator of what will soon be LD#11 -Jennifer Beck. My message to Joe Kryillos, Jennifer Beck, Govenor Chris Christie and the GOP Rino Republican establishment in the state of New Jersey is quite simple – quit using the Bayshore Tea Party and other Tea Parties organizations as a crutch for your political gain. I hope every conservative votes these Rinos out. In a larger spectrum, the swamp with 12o alligators needs to be drained in November. In all actuality, this is great news for for the challengers: (D) Raymond Santiago (LD#11), (D) Robert Brown (LD#12), the write in contestant running in LD#13 and the other challengers this upcoming general election.
Senator Kyrillos voting record has become more conservative over the last six years, which is welcomed…
“Keyport Mayor Robert McCleod, a former municipal judge who took one for the team to run against Frank Pallone in 2008 could decide that he is better suited to serve in the Assembly than to preside over the rough and tumble of Keyport politics.”
McCleod’s position on trade is preferable to the “free trade” libertarianism espoused by the corporate financed Wall Street Journal scribblers.
It is good to see that since McCleod has become Mayor of Keyport, that MMMusings has reverted to addressing him as a municipal court judge, and not as a traffic court judge when they wanted him defeated in the 2008 congressional primary.
No matter how you slice it, two seats will come out of Middletown just as it does now. Middletown brings by far more Republican votes than anywhere else in general elections. I’d expect Handlin to jump into the Senate seat and either see Curley or Fiore get the Assembly nod. Scharfenberger can’t do it because he workes for the state. Maybe Brightbill makes a comeback after a year off.
Joe, The people you mention in your post, Kyrillos, Beck, et al, will only use the Tea Party if you and others permit.
Beck is currently using the Tea Party in her quest for another four year term in her new district which includes among other towns, Red Bank, Neptune, Long Branch and Asbury Park. These towns are very Democratic, and Freehold Township–home of her opponent–Raymond Santiago, most likely will vote “blue.”
She is in big trouble with this new alignment, and she is currently on a tour of the various Tea Party organizations throughout her district and the county as well.
Don’t let her use your Tea Party organization as a tool for her political fortunes (or misfortunes). I would rather elect a known “enemy” then someone like her who has betrayed the Tea Party faithful with her latest vote for voting for the Woman’s Healthcare issue. Which is covert for government funding for abortion.
I recently googled her name to get more information about her positions and came across an interesting Facebook site–it’s “Dump State Senator Jennifer Beck.” Check it out and see her position and vote on Woman’s Healthcare issues.
Way to Go Joe!!! It’s about time that the TP’s start to stand up against the RINO’s and demand they follow our wishes or get dumped! I am so sick and tired of the ping pong game. They think we’ll vote for them…regardless of their records. They believe they have us cornered. Well they don’t. We will flip this state and this country and we will leave all the trash in the trash can….where it belongs!! Bravo Joe!
yes, there could be quite a bit of movement going on soon, but, for God’s sake, can we all agree that, just because they sit in one spot, it does not mean they automatically DESERVE to “move up, or even stay where they are?!.. let’s all be smart, as said here, and VET these suckers, all of them: on their views, records,performance, and votes.. am sick of the libs and RINO’s all-around, at all levels,and sure don’t want some of those councilpeople you’ve mentioned in Freehold, or anywhere else for that matter, just because THEY have “personal ambitions”!.. we’ve got plenty of that going on, already!.. I want real, honest, sincere,loyal, conservatives- some nice,decent, and gutsy,principled, people in all these coveted postions, not “slot-jumpers,” for their own damn egos’ sakes!..