
Christie gets in a Cubs fan’s face

Governor Chris Christie went nose to nose with a Chicago Cubs fan who had been heckling him during a Cubs-Brewers game in Milwaukee this afternoon.

The incident was caught on video by Milwaukee TV reporter Ben Hutchison of WISN-TV.  Hutchison shared the video via twitter.

WISN reported that the Cubs fan, Brad Joseph yelled at the governor as he passed him, telling him that “he sucked” and calling him a “hypocrite.

Christie had passed Johnson, but turned around and came back, got in the young man’s face, calling him a “tough guy.”

The governor apparently managed not to spill any of the hefty snacks he was carrying.

Christie’s son Andrew works for the Milwaukee Brewers.  In the video, the younger Christie can be seen standing behind his father looking on with pride.

Posted: July 30th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, New Jersey | Tags: , , , , | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “Christie gets in a Cubs fan’s face”

  1. Will said at 10:43 pm on July 30th, 2017:

    Good for the Gov. I like that he calls out some jerk who should keep his mouth shut. The video shows the guy crapped his pants when the Gov got in his face and called him out. I love it. This 15% approval crap is all media driven from Bridgegate that he never knew of or authorized. He was an easy target for the left media who hates him. Guy has balls and we need more of that.

  2. Julia said at 8:00 am on July 31st, 2017:

    Guy in the stand was a jerk; he got what he deserved (and I’m no big fan of Christie).

  3. DiBella Lied said at 8:25 am on July 31st, 2017:

    Chris Christie is an obese man in his 50s. He is a walking heart attack waiting to happen. Christie would not last 30 seconds in a street fight. The only reason this glutton got in someone’s face is because he knows that as long as he is the Governor of New Jersey, he has a half a dozen New Jersey State Troopers with him to protect him. Once Phil Murphy becomes governor; and once Christie no longer has his NJSP bodyguards; you had better believe that Chris Christie will be as timid as a lamb whenever he is heckled in public.

  4. Every day said at 8:35 am on July 31st, 2017:

    when I say my prayers, I pray for my family, world peace, the ability to move out of NJ soon, and that our President does not weaken and give that embarrassing, arrogant person a job in the Administration! Forget White House intrigue, I now believe Christie could be a death knell for this Presidency!!

  5. Mike Harmon said at 10:53 am on July 31st, 2017:

    Christie leaned over the Cubs fan and said. You just did me a favor “tough guy”. You just made this game about me and will help America see that I am not only a back stabber but a front stabber just like Scaramucci.
    Look I am doing everything I can to make sure my successor is Phil Murphy. I stick the knife in Kim Guadagno and every one who supported me every chance I get. Because it is all about me. Sandy was about me. Traffic jams on the GWB were about me. The Trump presidency is about me. Heroin commercials on TV are about me. Leaks are about me. The 4th of July and shutting down the beaches and parks is all about me…. oh enjoy the game and your appearances on MSNBC, CNN and Fox.

  6. Nailed it again, Mike. said at 11:51 am on July 31st, 2017:

    Who could have known or believed that this would go so badly for our state, and our party, which is already badly hurting? Despite the fact that Lonegan went batty at the ’16 Convention, with the Cruz-ers and Never- Trumpers, my original primary vote for him in ’09 winds up being what would have actually been a better idea for NJ.. we know, however, that enough libs from NY have moved here, to keep us Blue Jersey, for the rest of our lives- kind of like the Big Apple, which is totally fed up with the bully, crooked, not-bright DiBlasio, yet, will re- elect him by a big majority, to more crime and financial pain, this November..sigh..

  7. Mike Harmon said at 4:04 pm on July 31st, 2017:

    A cheap and obvious headline-grabbing- viral-video-generating stunt. Maybe this will take their minds off my picture on the empty beach after ruining the weekends of hard working taxpayers of NJ. How about those Monmouth County Cub Scouts you got kicked out of their camp in Cheesequake? Tough guy.

    By the way, spent over year working on the rebuild of the Milwaukee Brewer Stadium after the crane known as “Big Blue” collapsed in the middle of construction of the new stadium (in the old parking lot). Unfortunately, iron workers (great guys to work with) were killed. Still Milwaukee is fun and affordable place to see a ball game, not a bad seat in the house. Lots of bets on the daily sausage race. I remember, the mills were so down (due to steel dumping) , we couldn’t even get US steel to replace the damaged frame and had to import from China (something President Trump is addressing).


  8. Don Piot said at 4:38 pm on July 31st, 2017:

    This is a prime example of a Lefty Commie Liberal I will be watching for Mr. Joseph at the Cubs game and like he said you can say anything its America well buddy you got off lucky with Chris.

  9. If he'd only said at 12:47 am on August 1st, 2017:

    get the heck out of the headlines, so poor Kim can try and run a credible campaign, out from under his too- large, too-loud, too-selfish presence. It is getting pathetic, how jealous he appears, that he will soon be out of the spotlight. After doing the job fine the hundreds of days he was off everywhere else, (and getting no respect, acknowledgement, or help from him was/is so blatantly classless and yes, sexist of him,) she sure did not/ does not deserve it. He sure needed the votes in ’09 from the Monmouth he nearly destroyed in’05, didn’t he? The LG runningmate DID matter, back then, didn’t it? It did the first time, and am afraid we will see it will matter against us, this year.