
Obama defends ISIS strategy

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama met with the military leaders of 21 countries Tuesday to discuss the ongoing strategy to combat the Islamic State terrorist group as he faces mounting pressure at home and abroad to take more aggressive action in Iraq and Syria. Obama did not announce any new or expanded initiatives following the meeting…

Posted: October 14th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Barack Obama, Iraq, News, Syria | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Obama defends ISIS strategy”

  1. Proud Republican said at 10:44 pm on October 14th, 2014:

    I understand that Obama, clearly agitated and emotional, admonished the coalition after he learned that one of them had used a pitching wedge from more than 20 yards from the green.

  2. Who's On First said at 9:55 am on October 15th, 2014:

    First, Susan Rice says that Turkey has allowed the US to use it’s air base to attack ISIS, then Turkey denies it


    This is beginning to sound like the “Three Stooges.”

  3. The worst said at 6:51 pm on October 15th, 2014:

    Administration in US history, bar none: time to admit it, RINO’s and so- called Indy’s- you screwed us all badly, with all your inclusion and”p.c.”: Thanks goes to you, and the responsibility gets dumped on you, for ruining this country, period: you are the ones who put him over the top, twice, so you couldn’t be”wrong” – well, you were never more wrong, and we may never recover, because of you!!