Photo credit: Blue Jersey
Is the lunar module ready for lift off?
“Do we have a 5,000 vote spot ready in these machines?”
Did the CWA take care of these machines?
So I just want to confirm that are of these voting machins are programmed to swap votes. every Sipprelle vote goes to me and all Holt votes got to “the other guy”. I have to win this…….
What did you mean Congressman when you said “Fix the machines”? The machines are working fine.
How many of these machines will fit in the Millstone River?
More MonmouthMusings
Is the lunar module ready for lift off?
“Do we have a 5,000 vote spot ready in these machines?”
Did the CWA take care of these machines?
So I just want to confirm that are of these voting machins are programmed to swap votes. every Sipprelle vote goes to me and all Holt votes got to “the other guy”. I have to win this…….
What did you mean Congressman when you said “Fix the machines”? The machines are working fine.
How many of these machines will fit in the Millstone River?