
Write your own caption


Photo credit: Blue Jersey

Photo credit: Blue Jersey

Posted: October 29th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Write your own caption”

  1. rocket scientist said at 11:10 pm on October 29th, 2010:

    Is the lunar module ready for lift off?

  2. Christopher said at 11:49 pm on October 29th, 2010:

    “Do we have a 5,000 vote spot ready in these machines?”

  3. Concerned Citizen said at 11:54 pm on October 29th, 2010:

    Did the CWA take care of these machines?

  4. Jim Johnson said at 11:31 am on October 30th, 2010:

    So I just want to confirm that are of these voting machins are programmed to swap votes. every Sipprelle vote goes to me and all Holt votes got to “the other guy”. I have to win this…….

  5. John G. said at 5:31 pm on October 30th, 2010:

    What did you mean Congressman when you said “Fix the machines”? The machines are working fine.

  6. Your Cheatin Heart..... said at 5:49 pm on October 30th, 2010:

    How many of these machines will fit in the Millstone River?