COVID-19 Vaccines In Monmouth County

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is being administered to healthcare and long term care personnel by the Monmouth County Board of Health in Freehold and the VNA Community Health Centers in Asbury Park, Freehold, Keyport and Red Bank.
The VNA Health Centers are scheduling appointments via an online portal. The Board of Health requires an appointment form to be emailed to [email protected].
The Board of Health has received 1000 vaccine doses so far and has administered over 200 shots this week. The VNA Health Center has received 1900 doses and administered over 300.
“The County Health Department has vaccinated 204 individuals who fall under the 1A category, more specifically healthcare and long-term care facility personnel,” said Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone. “Unfortunately at this time, the New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System portal is unavailable for the 1A category to schedule and track vaccination information for recipients. As a proactive measure, the Health Department has created an information form for individuals and groups within 1A to complete and send to [email protected].”
“The VNA Community Health Centers are honored to partner with the County of Monmouth in vaccinating the heroes who have been on the frontlines of this pandemic for the last 9 months, ” said Christopher Rinn, CEO of VNACJ-CHC. “Our staffs in the County and the Health Centers who have trained and prepared for this initiative during a holiday week are to be commended for their efforts and sacrifice.”
Those who fall into the CDC’s group 1a category are encouraged to schedule their vaccines immediately:
Healthcare Personnel:
· Hospital
· LTC workers
· Veterans’ home workers
· Home care workers
· Ambulatory and urgent care clinic workers
· Dialysis center workers
· Dental office workers
· Morticians and funeral home workers
· Pharmacy workers
· Other non-hospital healthcare facilities workers
· Public health workers (e.g. Federally Qualified Health Centers)
· Group home workers
· Other paid and unpaid licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers
· EMS personnel
· Other healthcare settings
Long-term Care Personnel:
· Long-term care facilities
· Veterans homes
· Correctional facilities, prisons, juvenile centers, county jail
· IDD group homes
· Mental health group homes
· Psychiatric hospitals
· Other long-term care settings
So when will the seniors at all those long-term healthcare facilities be vaccinated?
Have ANY seniors been vaccinated yet??
It’s really great that all the healthcare workers, first responders, etc., are being vaccinated, but what about seniors & those who are most likely to die should they contract CoVid19, or to be in need of what we are told is a limited number of hospital beds? Why are they not being vaccinated?
If you want to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed, you need to vaccinate those who are most likely to be hospitalized.
Likewise, if you want to keep people from dying, you need to vaccinate those most likely to die; our seniors.
Why does NJ continue to do such a terrible job of taking care of our seniors??
we cost too much??
Need to vaccinate people who are under Pulminery care and have lung disease.
The vaccine manufacturers have shielded themselves from vaccine liability under “emergency use” conditions granted by our government.
Could it be the vaccine is a genetically modified mRNA containing splices of the AIDS virus? Might think twice and do some research before taking the jab.
Could it be that vaccines have been used in undeveloped countries to injure and sterilize their inhabitants? Who in their right mind would trust this injection given even recent history?
Need to start vaccinating High Risk 65-75. Roll out way to slow