NJ PBA Endorses Rep Chris Smith For Reelection

New Jersey’s State Policemen’s Benevolent Association has endorsed Congressman Chris Smith for reelection in the 4th congressional district.
PBA State President Patrick Colligan said in an August 28 letter to Smith, “I am pleased to inform you that we have endorsed your candidacy for election to the United States House of Representatives.”
“Our State and nation face unprecedented challenges that require leadership and a commitment to the safety of our communities. As such, we need elected officials who can see beyond party and politics. Now, more than ever, that leadership is needed in support of the law enforcement community. Sadly, there are too many people in Washington today that either find it fashionable to attack the police or who do not have the courage to stand up for us.
“You have demonstrated to us that you support our members and can lead the charge for better policing and safer streets.”
The NJ PBA represents over 33,000 law enforcement officers throughout New Jersey.
“I am deeply grateful for New Jersey’s brave men and women who put their lives on the line day in and day out to keep our families safe,” said Rep. Smith. “There is no place for crime or violence in our neighborhoods, and our police officers make great sacrifices to protect the innocent from harm and enforce the law. I am proud to have their support as part of my grassroots re-election campaign,” Smith said.
“New Jersey law enforcement officers are among the most professional and best trained in the nation,” Colligan said. “Our members are the line between peace and chaos. We face risks and challenges every day so that our communities are better places in which to live. And in the dark times when our members are attacked, killed, injured or face mental stresses we need government to stand up and have our backs. Too many politicians offer lip service or run away in those instances. We believe you will take action in those times when we need it most,” he said.
Rep. Smith, a longtime supporter of the law enforcement community, is a strong advocate for New Jersey’s police to get the funding and training they need to serve their communities safely and effectively.