Attorney General’s Office Confirms Singh Cease and Desist Letter Is Authentic

New Jersey’s Attorney General’s Office this morning confirmed that the Cease and Desist letter sent to Republican U.S. Senate contender Hirsh Singh on June 25 is authentic.
Leland Moore, spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General, emailed MMM at 9:08 this morning in response to our inquiry to Deputy Attorney General George Cohen, the signer of the letter.
Moore said our earlier reporting that the OAG had sent the letter to the press was inaccurate.
“In addition, your reporting that ‘the Attorney General’s Office emailed Singh and the press a letter’ is inaccurate. Our office did not provide the letter to any press,” Moore wrote.
MMM reported this morning that Singh doubted the veracity of the Cease and Desist letter he received from the Attorney General’s Office on June 25 after mailing letters to Republican primary voters suggesting that request a duplicate ballot if they had been “hoodwinked” into voting for another candidate for U.S. Senate.