Murphy halts indoor dining

Governor Phil Murphy announced a reversal of his decision to allow indoor dining in New Jersey starting on July 2 during his daily knucklehead briefing in Trenton this afternoon.
The Governor said today’s action is due to the spike in COVID-19 cases reported in other states who have opened their restaurants and due to “knucklehead behavior” at outdoor dining establishments in NJ over the last two weeks.
There is no new date for indoor dining. Murphy said the practice will be prohibited for the “foreseeable future.”
Murphy said he was going to “name and shame” establishments that have not been complying with social distancing protocols, but decided not to do so today. “We will do that,” he said.
When restaurants do reopen for indoor dining, bars will only be able to serve customers who are seated at tables.
demonstrate, loot, riot, deface/ topple statues, attend the NY Pride parade? No problem. -Might be warranted, might not. Just can’t stand the obvious, ongoing hypocrisy..