
Stop complaining. Call your gatherings protests. Invite Murphy and legislators

photo via Governor Phil Murphy’s official facebook page

Governor Murphy this weekend showed the New Jersey citizens how to gather closely in large groups while avoiding being ticketed for violating his Executive Order limiting public gatherings to 25 people.

Hang or carry a banner condemning racism, police brutality and embracing diversity and wear a mask when posing for photos. Invite the governor and your state legislators to your party.

High schools graduations should proceed live with social distancing protocols. Just make sure one of the speakers reads a Maya Angelou poem and have a moment of silence for George and Breonna.

Churches should post messages to pray for peace, justice and racial harmony.

You get the point, the thing as Joe Biden might say. Get creative New Jersey. Stop complaining.

Posted: June 8th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: COVID-19, New Jersey, Phil Murphy | Tags: , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Stop complaining. Call your gatherings protests. Invite Murphy and legislators”

  1. Mahatma Cane said at 10:03 am on June 8th, 2020:

    Snaggletooth Murphy has more faces than the clock in Grand Central. Do as I say not as I do, his motto for his next campaign.

  2. @Mahatma Cane said at 8:32 pm on June 8th, 2020:

    Pray there isn’t another Murphy campaign

  3. Between said at 10:04 am on June 9th, 2020:

    this one, and Nancy and the gang in their scarves taking a wobbly, knobby knee, don’t want to see one more word chastising the President, for walking across the street to the burned historic church and holding up a Bible, as a “ photo op.” The hysteria and hypocrisy are amping up so much, I don’t know how we all can stand it til Nov.3, which is what this is all about.

  4. Middletown Mom said at 12:53 pm on June 9th, 2020:

    Amazing how ignorant this “news” source has become. Where are the Black Lives Matter marches in Middletown, by the way? Hazlet has theirs yesterday, Holmdel has theirs tomorrow. Crickets from Middletown. Just another great example for all to see. What happened to this town?