Violence in Asbury Park after peaceful protest

Several protesters were arrested and a police officer was injured during a melee in Asbury Park Monday at the end of a protest prompted by the police killing of George Floyd a week ago in Minnesota.
The protest had been peaceful for four hours after the 5 p.m. start, with officers from multiple departments at times kneeling with the demonstrators in support.
Tensions arose when police, at around 9:30 p.m., began attempting to disperse the remaining 200 or so protesters, in keeping with an 8 p.m. curfew announced earlier in the day by Asbury Park officials.Several protesters were arrested an a po…
I was arrested during the protest against police brutality in Asbury Park earlier tonight. I was just released from the Belmar PD headquarters with a summons for failing to obey an order to disperse.
— Gustavo Martinez (@newsguz) June 2, 2020
if some of the leaders, historians and/or descendants of people who lived through the last riots/destruction of Asbury, got some of the photos, blew them up, put them on the public places, and scanned them onto Facebook, etc., with a caption: “ been there, don’t want to do that, again !” ? Stunning and devastating that anyone claiming to love/bring back that city would even think of grabbing back and setting back their very long and hard- fought efforts to repair the damages! Wake up, grow up, and work together to preserve and protect, rather than tear down and obliterate!
They were violating curfew why mention they were part of a peaceful protest that ended way before 9:30? Whats your true agenda?