Freeholders Plea: Maintain Social Distancing At Parks

Monmouth County’s Freeholders issued a statement on Friday begging residents to follow social distancing policies when the use County parks and golf courses this weekend.
“While we are very excited to see our County parks and golf courses reopen tomorrow morning, we are begging everyone to do the right thing and practice strict social distancing when you are at one of the parks or on a golf course. If an individual is not a member of your household, you should stay at least six feet away from them at all times.
We have fought hard to have the parks reopen, so let’s not throw it all away by disregarding the safety guidelines.
Take advantage of the nice weather this weekend and go to a park close to home, or go play a round of golf, but please keep in mind that this is not business as usual and we need to all do our part in the fight against COVID-19 by practicing social distancing. Thank you!”
Governor Phil Murphy has warned that he will be having the parks surveilled this weekend and that he will shut them down again if social distancing protocols are not complied with.