Arnone Addresses Park Closures

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone said that the public will be restricted from the County’s parks and golf courses, effective April 8, due to the Executive Order that Governor Murphy signed today in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Entrances and parking lots will be gated or barricaded. Visitors who gain park access by foot or bike shall be directed to leave by Park Rangers. Marina services are suspended but owners shall be provided access to their boats.
“It is very unfortunate that the state and county parks had to be closed because of the lack of social distancing that has been taking place,” said Arnone. “We cannot stress enough that social distancing is the only tool we have to fight COVID-19. We need everyone to do their part to flatten the curve by staying at least six feet away from each other and staying home when feeling sick.”
And with this, our dear leaders have officially jumped the shark in their disease response.
by many” elite” rulers, to see just how much restriction of all our rights the populace will take, before rebelling. While it’s important to do all possible to save as many lives as we can, there has to be some balance. They cannot” stimulus” and “entitlement” their way for long, without completely wrecking the economy and country. Despite what the socialists say, there just aren’t enough “rich” people to tax enough, to pay for and sustain everyone else. Time to slowly and carefully start us up again.
Looks like he literally just shit his pants. It’s ok, this will pass.
They are PUBLIC parks. Who the Hell does this little dictator think he is?!?!
Why can’t I walk alone in my local park? Why are you infringing more and more on my rights everyday?
I’ve had enough of this BS from these power hungry politicians who need to be arrested and brought up on charges!!
Enough with the Dictator crap. Arnone is far from that.
After going to parks with my husband I noticed most people were not staying 6 feet away… Also walking too quickly behind others… droplets travel in the air when people talk and breath… joggers and bike riders riding past you is NOT SAFE. Most paths are not 6ft. People were not backing off the path or taking turns… there were MORE people than normal at all the parks we drove past. There were cars backed up to each other having a tail gate party… do you want you or your relatives to die?
Thanks for the justification Tom, but this should’ve been done weeks ago.
Anyone who has a problem with parks being closed should take their complaints to the idiots that did not maintain social distancing.