Rumson emulates Lakewood
UPDATE: John P. Maldjian, a 54 year old attorney, was the host of the party. He has been charged with reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, and two separate charges related to violating the emergency orders, as well as with two Rumson Borough ordinance violations.
Read more here.

A group of about 30 Rumson residents held a Lakewood style corona party at a Black Point Road home on Saturday evening, according to a facebook post by the Borough’s Police Department.
Unlike the widely publicized and condemned Lakewood gatherings during the COVID-19 crisis, the Rumson residents were not celebrating a wedding, funeral or religious service. They were holding an “impromptu” Pink Floyd concert, equipped with microphones and amplifiers and broadcast on facebook live.
When the police broke up the party the group of adults aged 40-50 responded with chants of “F-the police” and “Welcome to Nazi Germany.”
The police responded with a warning and a kid glove, tongue in cheek facebook post because that’s how you have to treat “those people.”