Released From Middlesex County “Sanctuary,” Illegal Alien Kills Three in Missouri
The Middlesex County Department of Corrections released Luis Rodrigo Perez from custody last February, in defiance of an Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) detainer issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in December.

Luis Rodrigo Perez, got a gun from Sabrina Starr, right, used it to kill his former roommates and then Starr the following day, according to Missouri authorities. photo via Starr’s facebook page
Perez, 23, shot and killed three people in Springfield, Missouri last week, according to Missouri law enforcement authorities.
“Yet again, an ICE detainer was ignored and a dangerous criminal alien was released to the streets and is now charged with killing three people,” said ICE Acting Executive Associate Director Corey Price. “Had ICE’s detainer request in December 2017 been honored by Middlesex County Jail, Luis Rodrigo Perez would have been placed in deportation proceedings and likely sent home to his country – and three innocent people might be alive today. It is past time that localities realize the perils of dangerous sanctuary policies and resume their primary goal of protecting their residents.”
Perez was being held in the Middlesex County Jain on domestic violence charges. Unnamed Middlesex County officials are quoted by blaming ICE for Perez’s release, explaining that their policy is not to hold illegals who haven’t killed or maimed anyone yet.
Middlesex County officials followed up with a statement Friday night addressing Perez’s case. ICE was told on Dec. 14 of last year that the county would not honor a detainer requested that day, because Perez had no first- or second-degree convictions.
Perez was in custody for 51 days after that, and ICE did not request a deportation order from a federal judge, which would have compelled the county to turn him over to the agency.
“Instead, ICE officials chose to do nothing, which places all responsibility of Mr. Perez’s actions squarely upon ICE.”
According to published reports Perez shot and killed two former roommates with a stolen gun on November 1. The following day, Perez shot and killed Sabrina Starr, the woman who gave him the stolen gun in exchange for a tattoo that reads, “Kill or be killed,” who was the girlfriend on one of the men Perez killed on the 1st.
“This tragedy might have been avoided had it not been for the reckless policy required of the Middlesex County Jail by their county officials,” said John Tsoukaris, Field Office Director of ERO Newark. “Despite such policies, ICE ERO will continue to enforce federal immigration law and prioritize public safety in the community.”
“We have tried unsuccessfully to work with Middlesex County Jail in the interest of public safety to accept detainers and to contact ICE prior to releasing criminals,” Tsoukaris continued. “There have been other cases where ICE detainers were not honored and those released went on to commit serious crimes. In this most recent case, Perez had a violent history, but despite that, the detainer was not honored. We hope that this tragic turn of events forces Middlesex to reconsider its policy and that the local elected officials stop protecting criminal aliens.”
This is the world that liberal Democrat dunces like Phil Murphy want for us. Thank God Donald Trump is in the white house or else we would be overrun with this nonsense and they would be putting balloons and welcome signs at the border for those caravans. We as a country better get our elections straightened out or else the Democrats will be able to steal every one and we will have nothing to say except RIP USA.
Thank you for saying what needs to be said. Also,thank you for the generous donations over the years!
You should give the Middlesex County response, not just one side of the story.
But county officials said they will honor detainers if an inmate has a prior first- or second-degree conviction or was named in a Final Order of Deportation signed by a federal judge.
“ICE has the legal authority and the resources to secure such orders from a federal judge with regard to any inmate in the county’s custody it seeks to detain or deport,” county officials wrote in a statement at the time.
But ICE, they wrote, “has chosen not to seek such orders.”
Middlesex County officials followed up with a statement Friday night addressing Perez’s case. ICE was told on Dec. 14 of last year that the county would not honor a detainer requested that day, because Perez had no first- or second-degree convictions.
Perez was in custody for 51 days after that, and ICE did not request a deportation order from a federal judge, which would have compelled the county to turn him over to the agency.
“Instead, ICE officials chose to do nothing, which places all responsibility of Mr. Perez’s actions squarely upon ICE.”
I think it’s almost funny how this guy is labeled as an “illegal” and the drug dealing, car robbing heroin addicts he hung around with were “innocents”. This is just a typical “criminal kills criminal” story, not “illegal immigrant kills sweet, innocent Americans” story. This is why no one trusts the media.
Do you respect law enforcement or just believe whatever bullshit you happen to come across? Sheep.
Joshua’s comment makes an excellent point.
Except if an undocumented person is convicted of a 1st or 2nd degree crime, there is never a need to presume he isn’t entitled to stay in the U.S.
Mere indictments, formal charges, or convictions of 3rd-degree or lower crimes, shouldn’t be enough to turn over an undocumented person to ICE.
The NJ system worked as intended.
when Democrats twist themselves into a pretzel trying to justify illegals being here even when they murder someone. Doesn’t matter who they murdered they still killed someone. The bottom line is, this guy is a scumbag and he should not be in our country.
for more “ welcoming” and” sanctuary “ cities and counties, given the last election results.. it is all well and good to be sympathetic with some of the world’s oppressed. The problem is, in addition to being the most generous nation on earth, with all the billions in aid and protection we already offer, we simply can not accommodate the whole world: we can ‘t afford all we are helping, now. Charity begins st home. And, shame on both parties, for not taking this issue on and fixing our broken immigration policies, that do not even allow for security risk and disease risk screening, now. Perhaps the New Democrat majority in the House can come up for air from constant investigations into the President, and finally “ reach across the aisle,” and help out our dangerous border states’ security, and address all the problems nearly unchecked immigration has already done to us… pipe dream- they are not “benevolent “ to these masses, they just want a permanent , uneducated, dependent voting underclass, to stay in their elite ivory towers of power. Disgusting.
The point is that if the illegals weren’t here, they wouldn’t be hear to kill people. Less crime. Less costs to American taxpayers
@ John. Same point to you.
@ Hey Proud. Nice diversion
You people are worried for nothing! This crime was a “recreational crime”, it’s nothing malicious and the behavior doesnt lead to more crimes, murder is just a petty recreational crime the kids these days do for fun, thats all. See, just like your recreational weed, we need to advocate for recreational crimes, that are fun! Laws against crime are laws against fun! Im personally advocating for recreational high speed police chases, which would be more like the police escorting me down the parkway at 140 like I’m Jon Corzine or something. Driving with an open container like a Kennedy would be awesome too, so much recreational fun in seeing who can spill less! Democrats are cool for advocating for these things, so I’m a Democrat now, join in, we’re fun, and recreational too.
Don’t give the Democrats any ideas! They have total contempt for the law as it is without you putting ideas into their heads
now that was creative and kinda funny. see? that’s what i want folks, get cracking. #mmmmfa
Spit my coffee out laughing at that one. Nice work! LoL!