Curley says he won’t challenge Kiley in the primary, might run as an Independent
Disgraced Freeholder John Curley told The Asbury Park Press that he will not be a candidate for the Republican nomination for freeholder in the June 5 primary. The Monmouth Republican County Committee, the grassroot volunteers who Curley called a “political machine” and “Club Monmouth,” endorsed Hazlet Deputy Mayor Sue Kiley for the nomination on Saturday morning at a convention at iPlayAmerica in Freehold.
“I’ve never answered to a political machine. I work for the people. I have a clear conscience on how I vote on what I believe is best for the public,” he said. “They can do what they want. I don’t want to be a part of Club Monmouth.”
Curley’s votes on the freeholder board are not the problem for the County Committee members who unanimously endorsed Kiley on Saturday after the bloviating bully stood in an aisle glaring at her while she delivered her remarks to the convention.

Freeholder Candidate Sue Kiley delivers her remarks to the GOP convention while Disgraced Freeholder John Curley glares at her on Saturday, Feb 3rd.
The problem is Curley’s documented proclivity for harassing County employees and citizens, particularly women, homosexuals and teenagers.
If Curley’s conscience is clear regarding his harassment of County employees, why is he abusing the legal system to keep the taxpayer funded report about his behavior from becoming public? Why hasn’t he denied that he abused, intimated and threatened employees and fellow elected officials?
Curley wanted “Club Monmouth’s” endorsement last month when he sent a letter of intent to Chairman Shaun Golden without the required signatures from County Committee members. He wanted–and got– the club’s support in 2008, when he was defeated by Democrat Amy Mallet. He wanted it and got it again in 2009, 2012 and 2015. The Monmouth GOP is not the problem. Curley’s vile and vulgar behavior is the problem.
Former Curley supporters should ask for their money back
Curley certified to the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission on January 11, 2018 that he would be a candidate for the GOP nomination for freeholder. In his January R-1 report, Curley reported that he has $16,392.15 cash on hand. Since his last election, Curley has raised $70,436.50 and spent $54,044.35. Included in the $54K in campaign contributions from “Club Monmouth” members that he spent over the last 26 months is a $250 expense to be chauffeured to federal court in Trenton on December 4, 2017 for his lawsuit against Monmouth County taxpayers and his fellow freeholders.
Those who have contributed to Curley assuming he would be the GOP nominee this year should consider asking for their money back. If you don’t want Curley spending that $16,392.15 against Sue Kiley or to be chauffeured around the state, ask for your money back by writing Joan C. Rothwell, P.O.Box 773, Red Bank, NJ 07701
He wanted and got the “Club Monmouth” support in 2015 after openly backing Democrats Grillo and Luttrell against Lillian Burry and Gary Rich in 2014.
John Curley is the taxpayer’s hero of Monmouth County!! This witch hunt by the corrupt county old-boy’s club is a disgrace. Curley is the most honest guy out there in Freehold. He is getting screwed because he tells it like it is…and exposes the waste.
does not retain and return the loyalty one has sought and received in the past, it becomes difficult to follow what page they are on/ where their loyalties lie at the moment. Despite some good ideas and rollicking rally speeches in the past, am sorry to say, the self- aggrandizing and publicity- self- seeking has finally caught up. Time to exit, stage left.
While I have always been a diehard Curley supporter, this is 100% his doing. In the year 2018, you cannot just sweep under the rug verbal abuse of employees – especially females. If John were the candidate in November we would be guaranteed at least one if not two democrats on the board. Time to stop the BS that this is the result of retaliation against John for being outspoken. His actions have hurt the party and damaged him as a candidate. Part of serving the taxpayers is acting sane when in office and not abusing the people who work for you
John has thick files of information on many…..and this is why he is dangerous. He will not exit stage left quietly. Bad for party and a real shame
we should just go along to get along, hope all the complaints go away, and be afraid of personal retaliation, rather than move forward with the strongest ticket we can field?? Doesn’t sound like a smart plan to me.
If John runs as an independent and hurts the Republican ticket then everything his detractors say about him is true. It will be proof that he only cares about himself, does not have any feelings for the Republican Party and worst of all does not care about the taxpayers because he will be responsible for letting the Democrats get a toehold into Monmouth County to turn it into Hudson and Essex County. We forgave him for supporting Democrats a few years ago. This would be unforgivable and he would be the most despised person in Monmouth County
The only one with a thick file is John Curley himself. What none of his “supporters” are realizing is that he is NOT denying these allegations. He’s been fighting to keep it for us the taxpayers for finding out what he’s said/done. This isn’t a witch hunt as he and his supporters are saying. Keep in mind, this started because ONE person made a claim. More people were interviewed because his big mouth got him in trouble when speaking to the investigator. Talk about someone who is all talk and no results. He’s the poster child for it. There’s a reason why he’s the only Freeholder to have 5 aids in his 9 years there. Let that sink in. He’s a bully who his whole life has been living in his brothers shadow and couldn’t stand it. The county Freeholders did the right thing. And I only wish the Chairman would be as courageous and call for his resignation, not just put out a half ass letter saying he doesn’t deserve the support of the party.
Agree this is a real mess and the chair and the freeholders themselves should ask him to go. The reason they don’t is that there is something on all of them and so John has them check-mated. So its a mess.
Wish they could have worked out a deal for him to go quietly, but at this point, appears it will play out more publicly than it should- but then, that was always ok for John, as long as he could get the Press and his core group on board..our job is to hold the two seats- it is more important for the people, than one individual.