Monmouth County Gets $1.6 million in federal funds for road safety projects in Holmdel and Upper Freehold
Monmouth County has been awarded $1.6 million in federal funds from the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) for the design and construction of road improvements in Holmdel and and Upper Freehold, according to an announcement by Freeholder Director Tom Arnone. The award was approved at a NJTPA meeting in Newark this morning.
$1,224,434 was awarded for the design and construction of either a roundabout or traffic signal at North Beers Road and Crape Myrtle Drive in Holmdel. The location will first be evaluated for the suitability of a roundabout. The Federal Highway Administration has identified modern roundabouts as proven safety countermeasures with the potential to reduce severe crashes by 82 percent at two-way stop controlled intersections. If the location is determined not to be suitable for a roundabout, traffic lights are another option.
$375,000 was awarded for the application of a high friction surface treatment, safety edging (to minimize vertical drop-off and allow motorists to safely reenter the paved road), centerline rumble strips, raised pavement markers, safety striping and signage to warn of curves along a 1.7 mile stretch of Stagecoach Road (CR 524) in Upper Freehold, according to Arnone.
“The Stage Coach Road grant will allow us to continue making important safety improvements along a roadway helping us to prevent injuries and save lives,” said Freeholder Director Arnone. “The intersection improvements in Holmdel will improve pedestrian and motorist safety and overall operations at an intersection with a history of unsatisfactory performance.”
The NJTPA is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for 13 northern New Jersey counties. Under federal legislation, MPOs provide a forum where local officials, public transportation providers and state agency representatives can come together and cooperatively plan to meet the region’s current and future transportation needs. The agency establishes the region’s eligibility to receive federal tax dollars for transportation projects.
Arnone represents Monmouth County on the NJTPA Board of Trustees.