
Don’t make same mistake, man who burned retina in 1962 eclipse warns

OREGON CITY, Ore. — A 70-year-old man who burned his retina by staring directly into the sun during a partial solar eclipse in 1962 has a warning for those planning to view the solar eclipse Monday afternoon. Don’t make the same mistake. Lou Tomososki, of Oregon City, told television station KGW.com in Portland that watching the…

Posted: August 21st, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Don’t make same mistake, man who burned retina in 1962 eclipse warns”

  1. BroadwayBill said at 5:32 am on August 22nd, 2017:

    It’s kind of a relief to know there were idiots staring at the sun back in ’62 too! The sad thing is these morons also vote!