Marlboro Woman Admits Scamming $2.8 million from Veterans Administration

Elizabeth Honig, photo via facebook
Elizabeth Honig, 52, of the Morganville section of Marlboro Township, pleaded guilty in federal court today to stealing $2.8 million from a Veterans Administration program designed to help veterans find employment, according to a statement by Acting U.S. Attorney William E. Fitzpatrick.
Honig enrolled 182 veterans to receive federal funding to attend Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VARP) courses at Computer Insight Learning Center, an Eatontown company that she owns. The vast majority of the veterans were either not eligible for the training or did not attend at all. She collected $750 per month fees from the vets, and collected approximately $1.3 million from them of the $2,831,455 that the federal government distributed for tuition. She allowed the vets to keep the rest of the money paid to them by the VA.
Honig admitted that she logged on to the applications system more than 100 times and certified that she was the actual veteran who was applying for benefits. She supplied false information about employment status to qualify to attend her school and receive funding from the VA. Honig then certified to the VA that the veterans enrolled in her Business Software Applications Program – approved by the VA as a 14-week course costing approximately $4,000– were attending for up to one year. Honig also certified that the veterans were attending full time, in-class, knowing that 62 of those veterans lived out of the state. CILC is not eligible to be approved to provide online education.
According to Honig’s facebook page, she also owns Insight Drug and Alcohol Testing Center in Eatontown. A recording on that company’s voice mail states that Computer Insight Learning Center and Insight Drug and Alcohol Testing Center are both out of business.
Horning faces a possible 10 years in federal prison plus a fine of either $250,000 or twice the gross amount of her gain from the crime, or twice the loss suffered by any victims, whichever is greatest when she is sentenced on September 25. Additionally the U.S. Attorney’s Office has indicated it will proceed with asset forfeiture t0 recover the $2,831,455 Honig admitted stealing.
Honig is represented by Evan Nappen, Esq of Eatontown.
What a piece of shit this bitch is. Not knowing her personally I can not attest to her character. But come on we finally get some decent benefits and people like that Cee u Next Tuesday, just find a way to scam us right out of it.
SEMPER burn in he’ll,
Wow. Low low low. How low can one go Put her on the front lines without a weapon. Semper Fi. Put her in Jail Don’t cater to her like Mass always does to bad people.
I live in Las Vegas Nevada and have a great Veteran Employment Coordinator and no one wants to hire me. With 12 years of personnel administration experience and also working in hospitals in the civilian sector the excuse is always my age. I am 55 years old served honorably in the U S. Navy for 12 years.
I would like to say, this woman should get the max penalty allowed under love law plus some. A ungrateful mfer.
Because of people like her this of us in REAL NEED of these and other benefits suffer the wrath of RED TAPE. I detest people like her. I served my country honorably for 8.5 and my bodybwas completely destroyed I have now been fighting for my bebiefits for 15 years and am getting nowhere even though all the evidence needed has been presented. I blame conartists like this one for this issue. I am appealed and sicken by jerks like this.
Semper fi x 100. Who ra x100. I was Army but got a job. The others with difficulity getting work and that includes disabled Vets (includes my father and cousins x2) may GOD bless you . And I look for Him to do this.
Beverly wtf? Since when was semper Fi and “who Ra” an Army thing? Think you meant Marines lol. Keep eatin those crayons. Anyways as far as the article goes, I hope they give her the max. Ad previously stated, it’s fucks like her, along with disability fakers that make it so difficult on the rest of us to get the benefits we actually qualify for. Every person caught scamming or faking a disability should be jailed for the amount of time they clogged up the system + time receiving compensation. Burns me up