Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley Endorses O’Scanlon, Handlin and DiMaso in LD 13

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin, Freeholder Serena DiMaso and Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley
Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley said she was supporting Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon for State Senate and Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Freeholder Serena DiMaso for Assembly in New Jersey’s 13th legislative district.
“I am so pleased that both Declan and Amy will continue to represent us in Trenton,” Kiley said. “They have both been great advocates for the people of Hazlet and available to help us in fighting the so called ‘Monmouth Reliability Project’. They are both good friends and legislators.”
“With her depth of experience in Holmdel and as a Monmouth County Freeholder, Serena DiMaso is the obvious choice to fill out the unity team,” Kiley continued. “With the great loss of Senator Joe Kyrillos, it is critical that we have the most experienced and passionate team of legislators fighting for our interests in Trenton. I urge all Hazlet GOP County Committee members, as well as the County Committee from throughout the district to vote for Declan O’Scanlon for Senate and Amy Handlin and Serena DiMaso for Assembly at the GOP nomination convention on March 18th.”
the fix, as they say, seems to be in??
Just grateful NO BOB WALSH this year although watching that bumbling boob at the convention dribble all over himself would have been priceless!
to elevate the discourse, and not be so personally nasty: we have far too many Democrats, on all levels, and the biased media, to handle all of that.