
Two years after red light cameras went dark, no verdict from the DOT

About two years ago, red light cameras in New Jersey went dark, and opponents and supporters began the wait to see if the state Department of Transportation would scuttle or keep the program. Two years later, they’re still waiting. The DOT has yet to render a final report and make recommendations to lawmakers on the ultimate…

Posted: December 23rd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Declan O'Scanlon, Monmouth County News, Red Light Cameras | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Two years after red light cameras went dark, no verdict from the DOT”

  1. Jimmy Jones said at 6:14 pm on December 24th, 2016:

    They are waiting to see what their new bosses will say…Yeah or Nay.

    You won’t see an answer till AFTER the gubenatorial election and the answer alsways depends on how much money they pony up during the campaigns…

    Remember it’s ALWAYS about the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

    They will come upp with some “cooked” numbers to back up their corperate pals need to fatten everyones pockets, except the people wrongly accused.

    Oh well. Remember this is NEW JERSEY, where money talks and BS walks…..rigfht along with all the crooked politicians – republican and democrat alike.

  2. Jimmy Jones said at 6:14 pm on December 24th, 2016:

    They are waiting to see what their new bosses will say…Yeah or Nay.

    You won’t see an answer till AFTER the gubenatorial election and the answer alsways depends on how much money they pony up during the campaigns…

    Remember it’s ALWAYS about the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

    They will come up with some “cooked” numbers to back up their corperate pals need to fatten everyones pockets, except the people wrongly accused.

    Oh well. Remember this is NEW JERSEY, where money talks and BS walks…..rigfht along with all the crooked politicians – republican and democrat alike.