
Why Hermine could be such a “freak show” of a storm for N.J.

21041667-mmmainThe Jersey Shore is once again in trouble, and if it seems officials are having difficulty communicating why, it’s with good reason. We’ve never seen anything quite like Hermine. There’s Sandy, of course, but that storm barreled into the coast with reckless abandon. There’s Irene or Floyd, but those zipped through New Jersey leaving a greater…

Posted: September 3rd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Why Hermine could be such a “freak show” of a storm for N.J.”

  1. BroadwayBill said at 7:02 pm on September 3rd, 2016:

    Do I hear the sounds of another monument going up?

    Well, thank goodness Highlands has done so much in the past 4 years to improve the flooding problem.