
Authorities say Orlando gunman is believed to have ties to Islamic terrorism

6122016PulseShootingPictureCriedtThe gunman who killed 50 people and wounded 53 others after opening fire at a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, is believed to have ties to Islamic terrorism, according to early reports from authorities. “It’s really early in the investigation, but the indicators are clear that this person did have Islamist leanings,” said Rep. Peter…

Posted: June 12th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: , , , , | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “Authorities say Orlando gunman is believed to have ties to Islamic terrorism”

  1. Proud Republican said at 2:03 pm on June 12th, 2016:

    Here we go again. Maybe this will be a wake up call that the democrats inability to even utter the words “radical Islam” makes them complicit in these type of attacks. Our clueless president is bent on releasing terrorists from Gitmo and bringing in thousands more from Syria to further prey on us from the inside. Maybe now gays will understand that the weakness of people like Obama, Sanders and Clinton puts us all in danger and stop blindly voting for democrats. And the boob in the White House still insists climate change is the biggest threat to us. I know of at least 50 people who would disagree with him.

  2. Fox said earlier said at 4:54 pm on June 12th, 2016:

    the animal was a registered Dem.. Just another factoid.. And the gray haired, denier-in-chief gave his usual platitudes , giving the terror movement more slack, yet again.. Hoping some have finally woken up to all the damage that is being done to us, every day..Let’s bring in, locate, and give another few thousand in stipends to some more strangers we don’t know,and can’t verify, you clown!.. At all our continuing expense, of course.. How do you spell “outrageous treason”against our land?

  3. Tom Stokes said at 7:59 pm on June 12th, 2016:

    Hey, give Obama credit – he actually called it “an act of terror and hate” (but couldn’t mouth the words “radical Islamic extremist”) and proceeeded to attack guns.

    Too bad a few people in the Night Club didn’t have weapons to defend themselves – but it is illegal to have a weapon where liquor is served. So law abiding citizens get slaughtered by an Islamic Sharia compliant terrorist.

    This was not a tragedy. This was an atrocity!

  4. Bob English said at 10:23 pm on June 12th, 2016:

    Condolences to the families who lost loved ones. A small step which hopefully everyone can agree on would be to resurrect the bill which would prohibit firearm sales to anyone on the terrorist watch list or under suspicion for terrorist involvement. What could possibly go wrong with those people being able to legally buy battlefield assault weapons??? When you have Isis videos telling their members how to circumvent US gun laws, maybe its time to give them another look. As for the political party that any mass murder is registered to, that is just Fox News catering to the nuttiest of the nuts in their audience.

  5. Sancho Panza said at 12:39 am on June 13th, 2016:

    If the F.B.I. didn’t have to send such a large segment of its investigative force to check on the Clinton’s larcenies and espionage, it might have been able to track Mateen and his genocidal actions.

  6. Sancho Panza said at 12:42 am on June 13th, 2016:

    @”A small step which hopefully everyone can agree on would be to resurrect the bill which would prohibit firearm sales to anyone on the terrorist watch list or under suspicion for terrorist involvement.”

    Time to learn the facts. The gunman had passed extra background checks to become a security employee. That is why he could buy and carry two loaded weapons entirely legally.

  7. Tom Stokes said at 1:25 pm on June 13th, 2016:

    Bob – I wonder what would have been said if this radical Muslim extremist was a member of the Republican Party – MSNBC would be having a field day.

    His enrollment in the Democrat Party does not indict all democrats, nor does his being a Muslim indict all Muslims.

    Unfortunately, it is time for Muslims to demand true reformation of their religion and pull it out of the 13th century in which it has been stuck. Christianity had its reformation and Judaism also has its reformists – and neither Christian nor Jew is killing the different sects within their belief system.

    The most unfortunate and condemning part is that the three major religions, Hebrew, Christian and Islam all come from the same area of the world; all claim to believe in the same God of Abraham; yet instead of celebrating that three different paths (Moses, Jesus, Mohammed) have brought the people to the same God; extremist adherents to Islam believe it is right to kill “infidels” (Shia kill Sunni, Sunni kill Shia, as well as killing Christians and Jews, and killing homosexuals is out of “compassion”).

    May God forgive me for saying this, but unless those extremists can be brought back to a real world of diversity and civility, they will need to be sent to God for His Judgement before more innocents are killed by them.

  8. Tom Stokes said at 1:39 pm on June 13th, 2016:

    Bob – one more point.

    A “battlefield assault weapon” by definition is a “fully automatic weapon” where one pull of the trigger will fire multiple rounds. The first assault weapon was the StG 44 (abbreviation of Sturmgewehr 44, “assault rifle 44”) is a German selective-fire rifle developed during World War II.

    A semi automatic weapon (or self loader) requires one pull of the trigger for one round to be fired.

    One learns this when they serve this country in the Armed Forces (I served ten years in an artillery unit as the battalion commo sergeant). Calling a semi automatic weapon a “battlefield assault weapon” is blatantly false and wrong.

    Sorry, but an AR15 is a legal version of the M16 (which is a battlefield assault weapon).

    It is a shame that people cannot honestly discuss an issue without resorting to fabrications and falshoods coming straight from our current democrat leadership.

  9. Proud Republican said at 6:29 pm on June 13th, 2016:

    That’s it puppy jack, blame America – the liberal answer to everything. You know why they hate us ? Because of our freedoms. Because women are allowed the same rights as men and aren’t forced to walk around looking like the lone ranger. They hate us because of our opportunities, values and tolerance of different faiths. They hate our bravery and willingness to stand up against the tyranny of radical Islam. For 400 years, Islam has been attacking the west and killing innocent people. The time has come for the civilized world to crush these punks once and for all.