
O’Scanlon celebrates 1st anniversary of the demise of Red Light Cameras in New Jersey

Even with his grimace, O'Scanlon is celebrating

Even with his grimace, O’Scanlon is celebrating

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon is reminding New Jersey residents that the end of the Red Light Camera program, which occurred last December 16th, is one of the many things to celebrate this time of year.

“December 16 marks the one year anniversary of the termination of New Jersey’s failed experiment with for-profit traffic enforcement.  It is a blessed day for New Jersey drivers who no longer have to fear having their pockets picked by the predatory, corrupt and dishonest companies who operated the systems.

We proved in New Jersey – where the systems showed no safety benefit but cost drivers tens of millions of dollars – that red light cameras are merely a way for camera operators to legally steal from drivers.  If yellow lights are timed fairly there aren’t enough violators to even cover the systems’ costs – never mind generate profits for the municipal officials complicit in the scheme. Properly set yellow lights and properly engineered intersections also lead to genuine safety benefits – unlike completely ineffective red light and speed cameras.

During the past year New Jersey was followed by dozens of other jurisdictions that have realized that automated, for-profit enforcement doesn’t improve safety – and only exists to line the pockets of predatory camera companies and their local co-conspirators.  Over the past year we have seen study after study such as this recent one:  http://thenewspaper.com/news/48/4824.asp

We have seen cameras overwhelmingly rejected by the public in every public vote undertaken during the past year.  Red light cameras – and all automated, for-profit enforcement schemes such as speed and school bus cameras – have been proven to have no safety benefit.  The only thing they are good for is to exploit the law to legally steal from law abiding motorists.  So, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah New Jersey drivers!  I’ll do my best in the coming year to continue to stand up for you!”

Posted: December 15th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Declan O'Scanlon, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Red Light Cameras | Tags: , , , , | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “O’Scanlon celebrates 1st anniversary of the demise of Red Light Cameras in New Jersey”

  1. Steve Adams said at 2:31 pm on December 15th, 2015:

    It’s almost never that we see any government program shut down.
    It’s especially great when a bad government program is shut down.
    Good work Declan!

  2. Mike Harmon said at 8:06 pm on December 15th, 2015:

    Declan O’Scanlon for Governor!

    Someone who understands government overreach and the structural deficit which will be taking down NJ if the Ds control the Legislature with a Democrat Governor.

  3. Yankee Doodle said at 8:18 pm on December 15th, 2015:

    …went to town, riding on a one trick pony.

    c’mon y’all sing along

    …stuck a feather in his cap

    and i forget the next line, maybe

    ..ignores govt property tax ripoff scheme and then forecloses on your home-e.

    Seriously Declan, you’re great. But so was Caroline. Red light cams are so last year’s news. Think you can tackle something new, bigger, and bolder now? please and thanks.

  4. Indy said at 4:13 pm on December 16th, 2015:

    Celebrating something you had nothing to do with! That’s the best,what arrogance.
    The program was ending anyway, and was not going to be continued. But hey, you really beat that dead horse and continue to. But then again what else would you have to talk about.

    Let’s hear your outrage about pension abuse and how the double dipping is 1000 fold worse than the red light cams. Why don’t you expose the offenders and let’s hear your plan to stop it.
    You won’t, becouse than you would look like a real leader, and really be looking out for the people of NJ. We all know you won’t do anything. We are waiting with bated breath to hear of your next unimportant focal point.

  5. Indy said at 4:27 pm on December 16th, 2015:

    Celebrating something you had nothing to do with! That’s the best!
    The program was ending anyway, and was not going to be continued. But hey, you really beat that dead horse and continue to. But then again what else would you have to talk about.

    Let’s hear your outrage about pension abuse and how the double dipping is 1000 fold worse than the red light cams. Why don’t you expose the offenders and let’s hear your plan to stop it.
    You won’t, becouse than you would look like a real leader, and really be looking out for the people of NJ. We all know you won’t do anything. We are waiting with bated breath to hear of your next unimportant focal point.

  6. Must be said at 7:16 am on December 17th, 2015:

    the “capital cultures,” in Trenton and DC: they seem to start off great with good intentions, then somehow they lose focus, lose touch, lose their way- many wind up taking up space, getting re- elected, building their pensions. Original good qualities and abilities seem to morph into mush- until the tax-and-spend machines seem to grind on, with little emphasis on what we all elected them to do, in the first place..this is a bright guy we had high hopes for: but he’s too friendly to Bramnick, an abject failure as a leader if you ask me, so, yes, I have been one to think of Dec as a future governor, but this “hierarchy mentality:” on our side, it’s Bramnick, in Trenton(vs. the Guadagno/ Chrisyie loyalists,)and the awful Boehner ( now Ryan) and McConnell, in DC: no one dares try and replace them: another reason to admire a Cruz and a Trump, who at least stand for something, show some guts, and try and make a positive change so badly needed..

  7. Steve Adams said at 10:07 am on December 17th, 2015:

    And fixing the broken property tax system too…

    excerpt from MMM news article…
    “Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and the members of the Monmouth County Tax Boards announced reforms to the controversial Assessment Demonstration Program yesterday. The changes are designed to address the volatility in property valuations that taxpayers have been experiencing during the early years of the pilot program’s implementation”…