Gopal Pushes Hornik for Governor, Bashes Monmouth Republicans
Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal is publicly calling for Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik to run for governor in 2017.
In a Letter to the Editor published on, Gopal sings Hornik’s praises as a “socially conscious and fiscally ressponsible” Democrat who was elected in three time in a town that voted for Chris Christie for Governor and Steve Lonegan for U.S. Senate over Cory Booker in 2013. Gopal said that should Hornik run for governor, he would have Vin’s unwavering support.
I wonder how Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop, Senate President Steve Sweeney and former Ambassador to Germany Phil Murphy, all presumed Democratic candidates for governor who have contributed generously to Gopal’s Monmouth County Democratic campaigns, feel about this.
Hornik said he is flattered and had no idea that Gopal was promoting him for governor until he read it on APP. The mayor said he is focused on the many challenges in Marlboro and that no elected official should be running for higher office while serving in the position they have been elected to.
That didn’t stop Hornik from promoting Gopal’s letter on facebook.
In closing his letter, Gopal said that Monmouth County Republicans “represent high taxes, waste and social indifference.”
Is a lightweight. He plays checkers, not chess. His flunkies lost by 10 points last year, even though ole’ Vinnie raised and spent 3 quarters of a million dollars, gift-wrapped by cash-flush gubernatorial candidates, and Essex County political bosses. THIS year…his candidates lost by 15 points, so he deflects and tries to take credit for a 300 vote victory in District 11, which he had nothing to do with. All the $1.5 million dollars worth of spending was done by Super PACs and big union dollars (General Majority PAC, NJEA, IBEW, etc.). Vin is only relevant because the D gubernatorial contenders are foaming at the mouth over Monmouth’s 100,000 registered Democrats. And Hornik? Good Mayor, but stay in Marlboro. Or you’ll go down with the ship too.
if the ambitious young mayor, who will tell you he’s “really a Republican,”( hey, it worked for his dad, to run under both banners in the past) and who would be both a party”outsider,” and a fresh face, over the old war horses and party hacks on their side- look, it’s showing in the polls so far for president, that the perceived outsiders are capturing more voter attention: if we Republicans are largely sick of our “same- olds,” it follows that maybe the Dems are,too. We’d be lucky in the county, if he would bypass our level and sprint for the top- I do think he could win a county slot: with that town for a base, and the western Monmouth towns’ demographics, he could be successful- and, once we lose one seat, more will likely follow. Just look at the declared voters, now: the Dems surpassed us several years ago. So, we need to pay attention, and be very wary of such potential tough opposition!
I am sure Vin doesn’t mean all Republicans “represent high taxes, waste and social indifference.” After all Vin’s good friend Republican State Senator Joe Kyrillos is the headliner for Vin’s charity event.
Joe’s a great guy – charity first. It doesn’t matter that Vin ran a campaign of lies that brought down Mary Pat and Caroline.
Monmouth Girl–what brought down Mary Pat and Casagrande wasn’t a “campaign of lies,” it was complacency and too much of a whiff of Christie-stank
Lies didn’t bring down CC and Mary Pat–it was the truth.
Neither one would debate their Democratic rivals. They opted to skip out on any and all debates to attend a Christie Fundraiser Event on behalf of the two LD-11 candidates.
What, no mention of “Clown-berg”, I mean Kleinberg? The only upside of Hornik is that he rid us of that silly man, Kleinberg.
I feel your on to something. Gopal should run Jon Hornik for freeholder. Imagine a dream ticket with Jon Hornik and Adam Schneider for freeholders. A strong candidate for sheriff and a strong candidate for surrogate, presidential election and Congressman Pallone and we have a recipe for victory. Democratic sweep in 2016! Then we finish the job in 2017 when we take the governor and state senators and more assembly!
Hornik should run for Sherriff; he’d cream Golden. Imagine that!
What is it three-weeks before the Guadagno papers come out?? Will Golden be implicated?
John D’Amico for sheriff, Ellen Karcher for Surrogate, Jon Hornik and Adam Schneider for freeholders! WIN! WIN!WIN! D’Amico because the sheriff deals with the court system and he can finish his reforms at the jail which were thwarted by the republicans. Ellen is a true reformer, called the FBI on Marlboro reps, and her compassion will be good as surrogate.Hornik and Schneider are proven leaders in their towns who’s focus will turn the ego dominated board of freeholders around! That would be a balanced winning ticket. Balanced east and west. We will win in a presidential election and Howell will go for us with the mayor’s violent temper.
I want some of whatever you’ve been smoking