Four months on Hudson County payroll gets Jim McGreevey lifetime benefits
Former Gov. Jim McGreevey has begun taking his state pension with a little help from Hudson County taxpayers, who will pay for his lifetime health benefits thanks to his recent four-month stint as a county attorney. The decision to allow McGreevey to work for the county for four months and then retire with lifetime benefits has…
our fine legislators can finally stop talking and do something: any entity that doesn’t CAP sick time payouts, and limit bites at the pension apple is doing a disservice to the overburdened NJ taxpayers: many counties and towns are fiefdoms,where custom and no limits to the longtime-employee tail, wag the governing body, now, the state needs to finally act,to stop the “pigs” who overdo and overuse the system, and eliminate the “wink- and- nod excesses,” which hurts those who work one long career,and pay into one system.. and, those in the”pension pigs” club, are often those electeds ( and their families, in many cases) who got/get to be in charge!..It will never remain solvent and be there for those who earned it,as long as no one changes the rules to stop the outrages and excesses,such as this one..