Same-Sex Marriage Legalized

Kissing Brides, Heather Jensen and Amy Quinn, an Asbury Park Councilwoman, celebrate their marriage shortly after midnight on October 21.2013 facebook photo
The United States Supreme Court made history Friday when it ruled that same-sex couples can get married in all 50 states. There were two questions at hand. One, does the Constitution force states to marry same-sex couples? And two, does it require states to recognize same-sex marriages from other states? The court decided that states must…
While this ruling was not really a suprise, now the question becomes what will the Court do when churches, synagogues and mosques refuse to perform same sex marriages? Will they be sued and lose their tax-exempt status? While marriage, in the constitution, was not mentioned and left to the States, Freedom of Religion is in the Constitution. With the Roberts Court, plain language apparently does not mean what it says.
And what will the reaction of the jihadists be in their war against America?
Actions will always have consequences.
Members of the clergy who refuse to perform same-sex marriages could also be subject to having their licenses to perform such legal acts revoked.
Just wait. This is just the beginning. Next will be bisexuals (two and one), polygamists, pedophiles (lower the age of consent), bestiality, etc. All we be justified by “marriage equality.”. You can thank liberals for unraveling the greatest society this planet ever knew. Gays weren’t happy enough to just live their lives with each other. They have to force society to artificially elevate what is in reality, an unnatural, anomalous process to some sort of phony equal status with the norm.
Will be justified…..
@ Proud do you have the confederate flag on display? what a HATEFUL fool you are.
@10:15 a.m. – once again, you cannot refute my statement, only call names. That means you are admitting that I am correct since you can’t counter my position. Thank you for backing up my statement.
Maybe it would be better for all if the state just got out of the marriage business. After all, if society has changed so much, what purpose do the state’s sanctions have?
If it were just a matter of performing wedding ceremonies or issuing licenses, then you would have a point. Unfortunately, unraveling a 5000 year old institution to suit the whims of a fringe lifestyle has a much deeper impact on society. Insurance companies, private companies, government, the courts – even the police will be burdened with these unprecedented changes. The costs and burdens to society will be immense. Just wait and see.
The solution is simple, “No More RINOs”. Don’t support anymore RINO nominees for President. Enough Bushies, Romneys and McCains (and no Christies either). If we had a Real Conservative in the White House this would not happen. It’s not too late if we elect a Real Conservative like Mike Huckabee or Rick Santorum.