
Cops want to bar Jersey Shore police chief from looking at their cellphone bills

Bradley Beach PoliceTRENTON — Cops in the Jersey Shore town of Bradley Beach want to prevent their bosses from having access to their cellphone bills to see if they’ve been chit-chatting at work. In a federal lawsuit filed Thursday, the union representing Bradley Beach police officers asked a judge to put an end to a policy that allows…

Posted: April 10th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Cops want to bar Jersey Shore police chief from looking at their cellphone bills”

  1. am no lawyer, said at 11:06 am on April 11th, 2015:

    but, my understanding is that, if you co- mingle your public business with your personal calls/ emails/ texts, as long as it isn’t redact-able under the OPRA, it becomes discoverable- and could become public/ used in a court case-which means: get two phones/ devices,people!- one for business( which the taxpayers wind up paying for, )and one for your personal stuff! -some of these people are behaving like yahoos,who think they are above everyone else, because of their position: kind of like Wash., DC: separate set of rules for the ruling class??

  2. Dina said at 9:35 am on April 14th, 2015:

    Why are police officers allowed to talk on their cell phones in all the towns while driving but they give tickets to all the people driving on them also? I think all the police chiefs of all towns should do the same! Why should they be above the law and not have to follow the same rules as everyone else.