WASHINGTON — There are 49 weeks left until Iowa holds its caucus — which is good for Chris Christie, because he needs time to recover from this past week. His trip to London drew attention for all the wrong reasons, spotlighting his love for creature comforts and raising questions about funding. He sounded off about vaccines…
@”And federal investigators were looking into his administration’s quashing of indictments against Christie allies.”
So it now comes down to ignoring documentable facts, including those posted right here, that contradict specious narratives all in an effort to advance a conconclusively disproven agenda.
His record alone will doom Christie’s chances of running for president:
Let’s run down his success:
Unemployment: New Jersey has the highest percentage of working-age adults in the country still grappling with long-term unemployment. New Jersey’s unemployment rate is 6.6 percent, considerably higher than the national rate of 5.8 percent, making the state 32nd in the nation.
Job creation: New Jersey ranks dead last among the 50 States in job growth during Christie’s governorship. New Jersey has recovered fewer than half of the 257,900 jobs it lost.
Credit rating: Three major credit agencies have cut the state’s credit rating since Christie became governor, making it costlier to borrow money. Furthermore, New Jersey’s credit rating moved downward for an eighth time, which is projected to cause another downgrade of the credit rating within two years. The reason for the downgrade is because of Gov. Christie’s intentional failure to fund the pension – a blatant disregard of HIS signature pension reform law.
Economic growth: New Jersey was just one of seven U.S. states whose economy shrank. The state ranked 36th in terms of GDP growth.
Taxes: New Jersey is 50th in the Tax Foundation’s annual report, which ranks which states have the most business-friendly (translation: lowest) taxes. Tax burden grew by 18.6 percent for the average family under Christie.
Home prices and foreclosures: Mortgage delinquencies have increased 2.8 percent since Christie took over, the highest of any state in the nation. Plus, home prices are down 6.7 percent in that time, putting New Jersey in the bottom quarter of all states.
Poverty: New Jersey has reached a 52-year high, with 24.7 percent of the state below the poverty level. New Jersey is one of just three states that saw more people falling into poverty than rising above it. Nearly 1 million New Jerseyans lived below the poverty line in 2013, up from nearly 935,000 in 2012, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In fact, New Jersey is only one of three states where poverty has gone up according to the latest U.S. Census data. (New Mexico and Washington are the two others.) Back in 2007, 8.6 percent of the state lived below the poverty line. That went up to 9.4 percent in 2009 and in 2013 hit 11.4 percent.
Courts: Gov. Christie had the opportunity to change New Jersey’s Liberal Supreme Court to Conservative but choose to make it even more liberal.
Pension: Gov. Christie has exacerbated the pension problem because he has reneged on his signature pension reform law. Gov. Christie has now caused a greater burden on the tax payers by costing twice as much over five years. By cutting the $2.4 billion payment it is estimated, according to the Governor’s own financial team, to cost tax payers $4.2 billion. If his landmark pension reform legislation (just three years ago) was to save the pension and NJ tax-payers why does he demand more? He either lied to all New Jerseyans, then and/or now, or is wholly incompetent.
BridgeGate/Port Authority/Hunterdon Prosecutor’s Office investigations/Failure to appoint a special prosecutor for Guadagno Pension gate, etc.
Steve Lonegan, Rick Shaftan and others warned us about this corrupt RINO hack in 2009 when they exposed his sweetheart deals with cronies and campaign contributors while he was US Attorney, no-bid contracts given to another US Attorney in exchange for going easy on his brother, etc. The Conservative Base sold their souls because they were so desperate for a winner no matter what the consequences. The winners of 2009 and 2013 were not Conservatives, but crooked Democrat Bosses like George Norcross, Steve Adubato, Joe DiVincenzo, Brian Stack, and many others who are better off now than they were when Corslime was Governor.
I will take the risk and look at it differently than those who already commented.
First, Christie is the best that the NJ electorate will choose – there is no way to get anything better out of NJ citizens. There is no point in talking about how it should be because you only get what the voters select.
Second, there are many other states where the electorate is a little smarter than those in NJ. Christie does not play well outside of the Northeast. It would be almost impossible for him to get the winning primary delegates in the Midwest or South. For that matter, why would anyone select a zero coattails regional “liberal” Republican when there are much more attractive national candidates.
Third, if by some unknown quirk of fate he manages to weasel his way into the nomination, he would still have to win the general election. I question whether he could take NJ in a national election. Plus his failure to appeal to the Southern and Midwest swing states would make it mathematically impossible to beat Hillary. She is considered to be a goddess by many people and Christie cannot possibly overcome that fantasy.
@ Bayshore Bulldog
Your using Rick Shaftan comments as a yardstick?
Discredited Rick Shaftan?
God, I need a laugh tonight.
@Gene Hoyas: I seem to recall someone else, a blogger and Voice in the Wilderness who called himself “Manly Rash”, who also warned us about RINO Chris Christie and what he would do to this state if he was elected. I also recall this same blogger who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Steve Lonegan, Mike Doherty, and other Conservative Leaders as they stood together at the rally and fundraiser in 2009 with Guest Of Honor Joe The Plumber. It was probably the “High Tide” of Movement Conservativism in New Jersey. Alas, if Conservatives stuck together and voted for Lonegan, instead of deluding themselves that Christie was conservative, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today.