By REV. ALEXANDER M. SANTORA GUEST COLUMNIST Gov. Chris Christie is a man of many hungers. Early in his administration, pundits made fun of his weight, and he turned the tables on them by laughing along with them even to go so far as to eat a doughnut on “The Late Show with David Letterman.” But…

Rev. Alexander M. Santora
Posted: February 4th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Opinion | Tags: Chris Christie, Opinion, Rev. Alexander M. Santora | 14 Comments »
For the most part, very well said. The good Padre lost me though with the absurd “Hillary Clinton, a real global diplomat” statement. She was an abject failure as Secretary of State, and as a matter of fact, was a disaster with every position she held with the possible exception of damage control for her cheating, lying husband.
And the Republican legislators of both houses stay SILENT!
He was quoted as “squeezing all the juice out of the oranges.” I guess the same could be said about the Republican legislators that always voted his way and refused to override any of his vetoes.
It’s time for the Republicans–as Senator Doherty has–to declare their independence of this taxpayer glutton.
So…Christie tells it “like it is.” Yeah, when its for his convenience!
I thought there was this thing called “separation of church and state” and that the church wasn’t supposed to get involved in politics?
And yes, “close” you nailed it on Killary, the global diplomat that got our states people killed.
But what really annoys me is that the good Reverend (like many in the Catholic Church) seems to be enamored of Democrat politicians that support abortion on demand.
Padre, you really have your priorities screwed up. So, I suggest you stay the heck out of politics and concentrate on saving souls and babies.
For those that rely upon Fox News as their main source of information:
Fox News spent two years parading out guest after guest with every wacko Benghazi conspiracy theory imaginable and treated those as news and then spent about two seconds reporting on those theories being debunked by a Republican led House Committee.
Pathetic drivel.
Let’s see the Rev’s moral writings on Obama, Holder, Clinton, Toricelli, McGreevey, Corzine, Booker, Norcross, Sweeney, Menendez, Sharpe James and rest of the CORRUPT DEMOCRAT MACHINE.
Hillary a “global diplomat” my xxx.
Mr. English,
Maybe I need new spectacles, but where in this article does it mention Benghazi and Fox News?
Stop trying to distract.
@I’m Sorry….was responding to a couple of the comments above.
…as for the article I do agree with Father’s conclusion that the Gov would have been better off staying home and working on the States problems which if he had some successes, could have built more of a record of accomplishments for himself.
But the Padre needs to follow that separation of church and state that you guys on the left whine about. I mean, turnabout is fair play.
He should be concentrating on saving babies and souls.
The Establishment RINOs who pushed Christie over a Real Conservative like Steve Lonegan in 2009 are to blame for this fiasco. The RINOs are happy with Christie because he satisfies them and takes care of feathering their respective nests. Democrat Bosses like Norcross, Adubato and Stack love him because he caters to their demands. That’s all that matters, one Boss takes care of another Boss and all the Bosses run the State.
Things will never change until the Conservative Base is united and tells the Bosses we are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
The “conservative base” once untited, will make up less than 20% of the electorate.
Instead, get behind the most electable most conservative republican and let’s win elections.
Been a little busy, but I just noticed.
Did the Father take a smarmy swipe at the Governor’s weight? If so, shameful from a member of the clergy.
Now Bulldog, will you PLEASE just shut up. You are a broken record with your childish posts.
@@Bulldog: You are wrong, wrong, wrong. Had Conservatives united behind Steve Lonegan, instead of falling for Christie lies, not only would Steve Lonegan won the primary but he would have gotten a bigger percentage of the vote against Corzine by appealing to Conservative Independents as well as Republicans. Don’t forget that when Lonegan ran for US Senate he received the largest percentage of the vote of any Republican since Clifford Case in 1972.
Give me a break. When the Catholic Church can curb the “Appetites” of pedophile Priests then you can speak about other peoples appetites.
I don’t support Christie for President and certainly could care less what a Priest has to say about Politics. Please go back to tending to your flock.
We DONT need the Catholic Church or ANY RELIGION trying to dictate or sway Public Policy decisions.