Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Friday that ordinary Americans are tired of the heavy hand of Washington and are yearning for elected leaders to take a “fresh” bottom-up approach to governance that empowers states and localities. Mr. Walker’s message coincided with the news that Mitt Romney was taking a pass on a third White House bid…
Posted: January 31st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Scott Walker | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Governor Scott Walker, Scott Walker | 3 Comments »
Where is the news about the Romney-Christie dinner last night? How come Art didn’t have a microphone secretly planted in the room/
But, in all reality; Walker is what we need. A fresh, firm; as in non combative but energetic successful Governor from a Blue state that won not one but three elections against the union power and money.
He’s conservative enough, but not so over conservative to turn off moderate voters.
This state needs a guy like walker ,the unions tried to bury him 3 time and failed ,the unions are becoming a non-factor in Wisconsin because of Walker .The teacher unions have lost 30% of their unions and the maintenance workers union have lost 90% of their dues paying members simply because of they can opt out of unions .We need a guy like this not a guy like we have now who still gives the unions and democrats everything they want .Christies supreme court appointees stick in our throat because it was the only way to beat the Democrats at their own game .