WASHINGTON — Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a potential rival to Gov. Chris Christie for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, has set up his own federal fundraising committee, albeit with a twist. Walker’s Our American Revival filed papers with the Internal Revenue Service as a political committee under Section 527 of the tax code, meaning that…
“game on.”
This guy Walker. Stood up to the unions, can take the heat of a recall and dirty democrat campaigning, cut taxes and is a true conservative. I think his numbers will rise as more people get to know him.
between these two: successes in Wisconsin vs. ??? here…Walker’s in my top 3 so far: Our gov.? Please, Republicans don’t make me go with another”last choice,” again!!
Like most Conservatives I’ll hold my fire, wait and see what he says and does. As of now I would vote for him in a heartbeat against RINOs like Christie, Romney and Bush.