Complete coverage of the Iowa Freedom Summit can be found here at The Des Moines Register

DES MOINES, Iowa — Gov. Chris Christie stepped on stage today at the conservative Iowa Freedom Summit to a warm welcome from the event’s co-host and polite applause from the crowd. And not surprisingly, the New Jersey governor stood apart from the crowded parade of big-name speakers. Christie, leaving little doubt he’s primed for a 2016…
Posted: January 24th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Iowa Freedom Summit | 26 Comments »
BREAKING NEWS……Christie will be visiting New Jersey next week.
Are you the same Bob English that published a letter in the Daily News from a non NJ address?
@bobenglish…don’t know what you are talking about…answer is no….not the most common name in the word but not totally uncommon either.
he was mediocre at best: what I got out of it was, he took on the teachers and public employees, he hasn’t raised taxes, he’s pro- life, be’s blunt, and his mother on her dying bed told him to go to work. After a Scott Walker, a Ben Carson, a Carly Fiorina, a Ted Cruz, a Donald Trump,believe me, our gov., in this arena, is a lightweight!
Until some of his more infuriating moves come out. How about his reappointment of the most liberal judge in the state while not reappointing a solid Republican? What about his appointment of a Muslim judge with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood to the bench? And who could forget his sickening love affair with Obama, the guy who is singlehandedly destroying this country? If any of the other candidates really dig into Christie’s record, it won’t be pretty.
@just wait….since you seem to have a problem with “Muslim” judges, do you also have a problem with Muslim police officers, Muslim firefighters or members of the US armed forces who happen to be of the Muslim faith??
@Bob English – I have a problem with Muslim judges with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, an avowed terrorist group genius. Glad to see you are so concerned that Muslims are not criticized in anyway. For your information – another day, another mass of destruction at the hands of Muslims. Car bomb in Kabul by the Taliban, Muslim terrorists kill 30 soldiers in the Phillipines, a Japanese hostage is beheaded and numerous attacks in Yemen. And those are just the
ones that make the news. Forget about Boko Harum – their daily slaughtering of men, women and children isn’t even news anymore. And Bob English is worried about questioning the apointment of a Muslim judge with obvious horrendous judgment. Way to go Mr. Politically Correct liberal.
@ Bob English
I think he has a problem with Muslim judges who have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Let’s not take things out of context
@”members of the US armed forces who happen to be of the Muslim faith??”
Oh, so you think that everything is fine when a field grade Army officer is in frequent direct contact with a terrorist mastermind like Awlaki. Just workplace violence, right? Harrumph!!!
@just wait… who is the Muslim judge that you are referring to and what are his “ties” to the Muslim Brotherhood?
@Sancho….I am not going to judge all Muslims in the US armed forces by the action of one individual any more than I would just all Protestants, Catholics or people of Jewish faith serving in the US armed forces over the actions of one individual.
Ok Bob English, now I have to put my two cents in. Why is it that Democrats always have to bring in other religions as if they are all on the same plane with Islam? In case you haven’t noticed, Islam and Islam alone is wreaking havoc across the world and has been for at least 40 years. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs don’t fly planes into buildings, behead people, practice honor killings, stone women, slaughterr teenage boys for watching a soccer game, and on and on. Islam is a global cancer that is bent on destroying the non-muslim world. And save your breath with all the nonsense about all the “good muslims” out there. When I see Muslims take to the street when a human being is beheaded, I’ll change my thinking. You know why they don’t riot over that? Because they quietly approve of it. Read the Koran – it is as militaristic and intolerant as it gets. The Bible says “love thy neighbor” while the Koran says ” kill the infidels.”.
@Proud Republican…I bring in other religions since unlike the Muslim religion, people don’t blame all members of those other religions for the actions of a very small percentage. And if you have not noticed, plenty of non Muslims commit cold blooded murder right here in this country every day of the week including the ambush and execution of police officers (PA, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh to name a few).
You do realize that it is a very small percentage of that group that has become radicalized and is committing the terrible acts you mentioned? And if you do realize that, why blame the entire group?
Anyone have a problem with a Muslim police officer or fireman saving your life or a member of your families lives?? Have a problem with a Muslim member of the armed forces risking their lives to fight terrorism?? Or someone who is a Muslim teaching your kids? Consider those people whey you feel the need to make a group judgment about all Muslims.
The GOP voters in Iowa will not be fooled by RINO BS. They will not support RINOs like Bush, Romney and Christie. Dr. Ben Carson will shock the liberal media and political establishment when he sweeps the Iowa caucuses and goes on to victory in New Hampshire. Christie and the rest of the RINOs will be bloodied and broken, and he will finish out his term as a weakened lame duck. By this time next year the Democrat Bosses will be running the State and gorging themselves at the taxpayers expenses. Hold on to your wallets folks, the worst is yet to come!
@Proud Republican who said, “Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs don’t fly planes into buildings, behead people, practice honor killings, stone women, slaughterr teenage boys for watching a soccer game, and on and on.”
You’re right. They just put millions of people, especially Jews, into concentration camps and turn on the gas.
@westboro – you must be a product of a recent public school history class. Hitler was an atheist You may get the award for the most ignorant, uneducated comment of the young year. And Bob English, you are as clueless as the boob in the White House. “a very small percentage?????”. Are you kidding me? There are millions of these lunatics in almost every country in the world. Whole nations are run by these maniacs and the Muslims who aren’t actually slashing throats are giving tacit approval through their disgraceful silence. Keep living in your liberal dream world, but your ignorant denial puts me and my family in jeopardy.
@Proud Republican who said: “Hitler was an atheist”.
From Mein Kampf:
“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”
@”plenty of non Muslims commit cold blooded murder right here in this country every day of the week including the ambush and execution of police officers (PA, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh to name a few).”
And what religion or religions would those criminals belong to?
@ Bob English let me dissect these comments
” plenty of non Muslims commit cold blooded murder right here in this country every day of the week including the ambush and execution of police officers (PA, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh to name a few).”
You are equivocating mass murder and genocide to random acts of violence that happen in any population? Really?
“You do realize that it is a very small percentage of that group that has become radicalized and is committing the terrible acts you mentioned?”
That very small percentage is causing a huge amount of death.
“Anyone have a problem with a Muslim police officer or fireman saving your life or a member of your families lives?? ”
Straw man argument Bob.
You still don’t get it. You are taking things out of context to win a lost argument about a particular judge that has ties to a terrorist organization. And then you went off on wild tangents.
This is typical you Bob, flailing around with bogus side steps.
Meanwhile, we are about to get hammered by a blizzard and what is the news about Christie? His PAC
Forgive me if I am wrong, I haven’t seen anything about him saying the state is prepared, stay calm, yada, yada in the face of the storm.
That’s all we should be hearing about Christie at this moment. If he blows this storm recovery, he might as well just stay by the fireplace because his Presidential aspirations will have gone down the tubes.
That’s unless he gets another hug from Obama.
@westboro – wrong again. Hitler hated Christianity and saw it as an impediment to his evil goals. And stop the nonsense of trying to go back in time for any sliver of an example that you can use to somehow counterbalance the abject evil and destruction that is Islam.
Per my previous question…..who is the Muslim judge that you are referring to and what are his “ties” to the Muslim Brotherhood?
In case anyone did not get it, I used the examples of Muslim’s who are in professions who put their lives on the line for you and your families to prove the point that not all should be grouped together.
John Kerry’s script writer????
@”who is the Muslim judge that you are referring to and what are his “ties” to the Muslim Brotherhood?”
For the search-engine impaired and the deflection intentioned (a potently ridiculous combination), it is no one less than Judge Mohammed.
So this is the judge you were talking about??? Another example of why all should not be blamed for the actions of some.
Exert from the article:
“Sohail Mohammed is an extraordinary American who is an outstanding lawyer who played an integral role post-9/11 in building bridges between the Muslim community and law enforcement,” Christie said. “I was there; I saw it.
“Sharia law has nothing to do with this. It’s crazy,” Christie said. “This Sharia law business is crap; it’s crazy and I’m tired of dealing with crazies. I’m happy he’s willing to serve after all this baloney.”
Curious to see the No. 1 news source is none other than the liberals’ “Faux News.” You won’t be able to discount or discredit in the future.
Also curious to see your admiration for Christie’s “diversity” and “peace-loving” strategists and mouthpiece for Qatanani and Hamas.
Mohammed’s American Muslim Union says Zionists perpetrated 9/11. Real intelligent jurist picked by Christie there.
Why do you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to excuse every Muslim that is suspected of being up to no good? Look at his background, some of the people he has defended and his associates. Mind you, this is not a guy driving a cab, this is a judge interpreting American law. My original post said that this guy’s appointment would come back to haunt him. Still think it will.