Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini
Well, that didn’t take long. Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini on Wednesday said she’ll introduce legislation that bans adult incest in New Jersey — a response to a flurry of media reports in the last week that noted sexual relationships between consenting, closely related adults is legal here. “Obviously, these types of relationships violate our acceptable moral…
Way to go Mary Pat! You’re really on top of the heavy lifting here. How about a bill to stop taxpayers from being raped by you people in Trenton? 7% sales tax. 2% property tax cap, unless the local mayor just claims “capital expenses” and income taxes that keep rising along with DMV fees and every other “fee” like beach badges or tolls, it’s no wonder Mercedes Benz left this state given the raping YOU are responsible for along with your pals in Trenton. But yeah, you go on after these dog and pony show non-problems, Prevention First! What a joke. Please start taking your position seriously and do some real work on behalf of NJ residents.
@ Wow…
Take a chill pill. This is a seriously needed bill and if you can not understand that, Mary Pat is not your problem.
If you think this is a “dog and pony show issue,” call that a credibility torpedo because it is morally reprehensible and it is important we take a stand against such things.
I was proud to be one among many that contacted her office to ask for such a bill.
The question is Wow, did YOU contact her office and ask for the same? If not, WHY NOT?
agree with both of above: Jim, like the two misguided Rep. Congresswomen yesterday who shelved the bill to stop late- term abortions, some issues have a moral component that says we must remain human, and humane, and sometimes just do what’s right.. That being said, “wow”is correct: all incumbents this year must step up, now, and show us they are really serious about trying to bring Jersey from the brink, and finally get us out of being “first- worst” and “last- best,”in so many areas, or, sorry, gang you’re out the door, as the rest of us go out the door,too, to more tax- friendly, less- regulated places!!
Seeing as how the courts have invoked the 14th Amendment to redefine marriage, it is clear that all consenting adults have the constitutional right to enter whatever relationships they desire and that the state has to sanction them. That is what equal protection under the law means.
that this coarse and degenerated culture of today, with Hollywood and media egging it on, has decided to push everything to the most bizarre and immoral limit, dragging us down to the lowest common denominator of another Sodom and Gomorrah. Either the majority of us wants to be a Constitutional Republic with laws, limits, and personal responsibility,and consequences for bad choices, or we are mere years away from total dissolution and destruction.