TRENTON — The New Jersey Senate today failed to override Gov. Chris Christie’s veto of a measure that would have made it harder for the state to cut pension payments at the last-minute to offset revenue shortfalls at the end of the fiscal year. The bill ( S2265) would have required the governor to make pension…
Posted: December 19th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, NJ State Legislature, Pensions | Tags: Chris Christie, NJ Senate, override, Pensions, veto | 2 Comments »
Someone tell me why members of the Legislature are so afraid of Christie that they would not stick with their original positions/vote on yet another bill?? Christie is going to be long gone and most of the Legislature’s will still be in Trenton left to deal with a far worse problem as the result of the State not living up to its obligations of Christie’s signature bipartisan achievement (pension reform). Like previous governors, Christie has given himself a built in excuse not to make the agreed upon payments.
Because Bob, the Republicans of this state are two-faced phonies!
They originally vote for something, whether it be this bill or others–and the fail to stick to their guns, and refuse to override this guy–unbelievable!