
Obama girls learn what all presidential kids do: They get slammed

WASHINGTON — The children of presidents have long captured the imagination of Americans — and criticism. A TV anchor said Chelsea Clinton had been “pimped out” by her parents. A radio talker called Amy Carter ugly. Susan Ford had her dates critiqued. Children of presidents back to Lincoln and beyond have been rhetorical targets — almost…

Posted: December 2nd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Barack Obama | Tags: , , | 25 Comments »

25 Comments on “Obama girls learn what all presidential kids do: They get slammed”

  1. Jim Granelli said at 12:30 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    Scratching my head. Can’t remember…

    Did the main stream media scream leave the girls alone during Bush’s terms?

    OH, SNAP!

    No they didn’t

  2. Kathy Baratta said at 1:09 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    Oh Snap? Are you always this disingenuous?

    What that Lauten woman did is despicable and if you haven’t got the integrity or intellect to call that one for what it was, you’re more of bottom-feeder than she.

    The truth is Jenna Bush was a hard-partying, falling-down-drunk.


    If the “main-stream media scream” had been equal during the Bush regime to the faux outrage the Obama girls got for wearing clothes that look like they came right off the page of a JC Penney catalog, there would have been stories left, right and center wondering how long it will be before Jenna runs a stop sign and kills someone. You know, like her mother did when she was a teenager.

    Snap on that!

  3. Bob English said at 1:46 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    Politics aside, fortunately most people (outside of idiots like Limbaugh) have the decency and common sense not to openly criticize the minor children of politicians especially when it comes to their looks/appearance.

  4. Jim Granelli said at 6:15 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    Well then, there’s the old Kathy Baratta; back again.

    Now Kathy, did I say or even infer what the staffer did was right? No, I did not. I called out the hypocrisy of the left. YOU wanted to make something more of it.

    At least Joan Walsh got it correct.


  5. jrsmith said at 7:04 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    @ Jim what a sad loser you are. Who hates any Democrat.

  6. Jim Granelli said at 10:39 pm on December 2nd, 2014:

    Sigh, Ole Jr. Smith is back, right on cue. He just doesn’t know how to stop with the hate. So, this link is for you, you miserable curmudgeon


    BTW Jr Smith. Have you ever called Democrat Randy Bishop in Neptune? I’ll be happy to get you his phone number. He’ll tell you about Democrats I like as personal friends work with on issues as needed.

    I kinda think that he will tell you you are wrong. But then, you are afraid of the truth and facts.

    So, please; go suck a raw egg since you want to start back in again with the same crap. It’s Christmas Time, and I have no more keystrokes left for you anymore…

    Now and for the future.

    So, you can yank everyone’s chain all you want, but all you will be doing is embarrassing yourself.

    P.S. I thought you said you were going to disappear till next year. I guess you just can’t live without hating.

    Sad, so very sad and existence.

  7. JRSmith said at 7:55 am on December 3rd, 2014:

    @ Jim No only hate you after what you did this past election. And because of that NO Democrat will have any thing to do with you.

  8. Jim Granelli said at 8:45 am on December 3rd, 2014:

    Regrettably, I am going to have to break a promise to myself one more time; and respond to the curmudgeon above.

    a) Dare you again to call a couple of Neptune Democrats who I work with on certain projects that benefit ALL Neptune residents. Even in the past week so that burns your “NO Democrat” meme.

    But you won’t because you are a coward.

    b) as to “what I did in this past election,” I did almost nothing locally.

    But, I take Democrat hate of what I may or may not have done on the County level as a badge of honor because the County Democrat campaign was the most disreputable that I have seen, EVER.

    Keep on yanking everyone else’s chains for your own self gratification Jr.



    Enjoy it because I am not going to be a party to it. You’ll be screaming in an empty room as you go mad when the demons come out from under your bed and people on the outside will be laughing at you.

  9. Jim Granelli said at 9:30 am on December 3rd, 2014:

    Now, getting back to the original topic…


    The lame street media will only hype what serves it’s master (the liberal agenda) well. Again, this who story is rife with hypocrisy of the attacks by that same media on the Bush Twins.


  10. Kathy Baratta said at 3:49 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    Mr. Granelli,

    I know pompous bombast is your go-to position but you really should make sure you know what words mean before you use them.

    I cannot speak to what you “inferred.” I can only remark on what you implied.

  11. Jim Granelli said at 4:53 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    “Now There You Go Again,” Kathy.

    You know what happens when you assume something? You often make an ass out of yourself.

    I know what was in my mind when I wrote it and it sure as HELL wasn’t what YOU think was in my mind. If you don’t want to believe that, I am not the problem.

    So, what ever is rolling around in your tin foil hat means NOTHING to me.

    Got it?

    You know, I am trying to be nice since it is the Christmas season, but some people are trying my patience. You included Kathy.


  12. Kathy Baratta said at 5:16 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    I’m trying your patience? So what? Unless English is your second language, you’re your not knowing the basic rules of language/grammar tries my patience. Especially since you spend so much time bloviating.

    I “imply.” You “infer.” Get it? Got it? Good.

  13. Kathy Baratta said at 5:19 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    Typo alert!

    Make that, “your” not knowing…”

  14. Kathy Baratta said at 5:21 pm on December 3rd, 2014:


    Can you add an edit component so that we can go back in and correct typos?

    I’m sure others would appreciate it as well.



    I fixed it for you, Kathy. Don’t tell anyone. ~Art

  15. Jim Granelli said at 6:04 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    I don’t give a flying frack about infer, imply or whatever your looney toon mind wants to believe.

    I know what I wanted to say and the words talk about hypocrisy. So, you can STFU up as well.

  16. Jim Granelli said at 6:07 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    To continue….

    And that wasn’t a typo either.

    Why the hell can’t you just take someone’s words at face value, eh Kathy?

    No, you want to create crap out of nothing.

  17. Kathy Baratta said at 6:40 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    Mr. Granelli,

    Well! I guess you told me!

    Now, go resume your position in front of the carnival, Barky.

  18. Jim Granelli said at 7:28 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    Frack you Kathy. Seriously. Your just a shrill shrew.

    I know who respects me and the people that do are the people I care about. You and you ilk can go sit on a fire hydrant where the sun don’t shine because good people are sick of the crap your kind dishes out.

    The days are over for elitists like you who think their “sh-t” don’t smell.

    It’s sad that in this season of Good Tidings, you and others can’t take someone at his word about what I meant or be nice when I was trying to do so.

    These kinds of responses on my behalf are not how I really live my life, but I will give you exactly what I get. You and the other Jerk want to keep it going, I have no qualms doing that.

    “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

  19. Kathy Baratta said at 7:40 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    It’s, “you’re” just a shrill shrew.

    Happy Holidays.

  20. Jim Granelli said at 7:42 pm on December 3rd, 2014:

    Whatever Mzzzzzzz Perfectionist.

  21. Jim Granelli said at 8:21 am on December 4th, 2014:

    Now, to get back to the hypocrisy angle of the media which has an agenda, which mostly runs on the “bash anything on the right, while we sweep any problems on the left under the rug” track….


    Fine with me,”main street media,” call out problems on the right, but you damn well make sure your own house is in order as “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

  22. Kathy Baratta said at 1:07 pm on December 4th, 2014:

    A false equivalency if there ever was one. Comparing allegations against a “former” congressional aide to the admitted action of someone who holds the position of “Communications Director” isn’t comparing apples to oranges, it’s comparing apples to autos.

    Well, at least you answered one of my questions. It appears you really are that disingenuous. Either that or you’re woefully unarmed when it comes to a battle of wits which, of course, precludes me from further discourse with you. I don’t argue with children or fools.

  23. @ Kathy the JO said at 2:44 pm on December 4th, 2014:

    Similar to my comments to that other useless idiot, what, are you the sister of that fool, Jr?

    You are a mean _____, and the word rhymes with witch. You think you know everything, but you are just one smarmy broad. No wonder why you got fired from that rag. Nobody believes you.

    From what I see of this conversation, you seem to think you have esp, and know what’s in everyone’s mind. Everything you say missy is argumentative and insulting. People like you need to be shut down.

  24. Kathy Baratta said at 2:54 pm on December 4th, 2014:


  25. @ Kathy said at 4:20 pm on December 4th, 2014:

    I knew you weren’t fired before I posted that because the same thing showed up on my internet search.

    But now you know know how it feels to have lies said about someone and hateful things said to you

    Stop being a mean person, stop being hateful, stop lying and stop interpreting things as if your opinion is the only thing that is right. And stop acting as if know everything and what is in someone else’s mind.

    Granelli clearly stated it was about the hypocrisy. You just want to slant things to suit your world view.