Chris Christie’s style colors presidential prospects
BOCA RATON, Fla. — Suddenly, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is a Republican miracle worker. For the moment, the Republican establishment is looking past his temper, the George Washington Bridge scandal, his state’s budget problems and the uneasy feeling that he’s not conservative enough to be the nominee. Instead, they hailed Christie at last week’s Republican…
“He’s a loudmouth and he’s not conservative . . . Really? We currently have a king in office who doesn’t feel the constitution applies to him, talks down to the American public because he feels they are stupid and likes to hear himself talk.
I’d rather have a loudmouth who tells it like it is than have a wimp.
The conservatives are so divided, they will be the cause of a 2016 loss because they can’t agree on who is conservative enough.
Let him do his work in THIS state! He is the biggest “no-show” employee. He said when he ran, he would be different than any other governor. He said he would be transparent. Really? Yet, he doesn’t want to release his hotel expense records–nor reveal who paid for it. He has paid a law firm hand picked by Christie–to defend Christie, ultimately to exonerate Christie with Bridgegate–6 million dollars.
This state is #1 in taxes; last in job creation, and thousands are still without a home due to Sandy. Yet he travels the country trying to get other people elected.
Am I missing something here?
Well, we all know how inter- party wrangling, destroying our own, and finally settling on the most vanilla RINO has worked for the GOP! Short memories: Dole, McCain, and Romney were all good men, who would’ve served America better than this last disaster, but, I, for one,am very tired of bring dragged by RINO, establishment, career-types, to what we know will fall short, further rob our liberties, and break our nation into bits! Unless and until the GOP can get it’s act together,let all the good people on our bench be fairly and respectfully vetted, and keep our eyes on the prize of winning, (for once,) we are simply doomed, to perhaps Big Momma Hill, or Left- looney Liz!! Wake up! Please!
He criss-crossed all over the country. Yet CC wouldn’t cross the Hudson to try to get Rob Astorino (REPUBLICAN) elected.
Christie is a RINO and a most liberal one at that ..the biggest disappointment is his supreme court appointments .That was the only chance to change Abbott spending or affordable housing ….which means more good working families will flee the state because of affordably .He didn’t want to fight the D’s and upset his ‘reach across the aisle” image …well that trampled property taxes for the next decade .