In what’s expected to be a large 2016 GOP presidential field, the first decision is over when to decide. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he’ll pray about what to do during the upcoming holidays and will announce his decision after that. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he has until the spring to decide, and Texas Gov.…
To the party elite and elders across the state…
I just hope and wish that there is no “edict sent down from on high” like in the 2012 primary as to who to support in the various county conventions.
Of course no one knows what goes on in the privacy of a voting booth, but I for one was not happy with eyes starting down on me with regards to my support for a candidate other than Romney. And we all saw what happened there in the end. He lost.
We should support the candidate we believe in and let the chips fall where they may. Let the Governor make his case before the people and then accept their personal decisions.
Of course there should be pride in a possible NJ Governor becoming President and if he survives the Southern Primaries, and NJ becomes the difference between him winning the nomination or not, well the primary voters will make that decision.
Meanwhile, let us decide on our own as to who get’s each county line. A lot of people across the country were upset with Romney being forced on them, McCain being forced on them, Dole being forced on them by the establishment class.
We’re kind of feeling that we want to make our own decisions this time.
Gov. Perry’s remarks about how much you need to prepare if you are going to travel around the country asking for people to make you President reminded me that Gov. Cuomo had similar thoughts when he reflected on a couple of times that he came close to jumping in the Presidential race. He was talking about all of the numerous issues out there that might be a big deal in Iowa (and other states) but not in New York and how a potential candidate needed to develop opinions and policies on issues that they may had never thought about much before.