
Chris Christie Got What He Paid For

MMM photo/Art Gallagher

MMM photo/Art Gallagher

WASHINGTON — Chris Christie wasn’t on any ballots Tuesday, but he may have scored the biggest win. Republican governors, who benefited from his fundraising and stumping as head of the Republican Governors Association, rode a Republican wave to victory. Gubernatorial races that looked to be close or even potential Republican losses turned into big GOP wins.…

Posted: November 6th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Chris Christie Got What He Paid For”

  1. trouble in marlboro said at 9:45 am on November 6th, 2014:

    as a republican i love the big man, and am glad he got america back on the right track with all the wins. That being said i wish he would spend some time in the state, freehold especially. doing a few fund raisers and supporting the troops. freehold boro and marlboro to name a few. you all saw the last election where johnny hornik wheeled in all that money from the dem machine in essex, middlesex, bergen, etc. over 600,000 dollars i heard. so the county that got christie elected in the first place, should see some love for all the hard work we did for him and the rest of the republicans. so if anyone has the big man’s ear tell him to come on down to the county and get us as a group a few bucks so the hornik virus doesn’t spread any further.

  2. Anonymous said at 10:24 am on November 6th, 2014:

    Per Liberty & Prosperity on Facebook
    21 hrs ·

    “Republican Governor Walker did in Wisconsin what our Republican Governor Christie refused to do in NJ. After four years, Walker gave tax cuts and booming economy to Wisconsin. Christie gave NJ nothing but more taxes, debt, and unemployment–but a big re-election margin for himself.”


    I don’t necessarily agree with Christie “refusing” to do these things, because of the reality of the State and it’s Legislature make up; but it does set up an interesting contrast and compare.

    I’m not sure though that Walker is going to run after 3 grueling elections in what, 4 years?

  3. But yet he refused to campaign for fellow Republican Ron Astorino said at 12:39 pm on November 6th, 2014:

    Go figure, he only selectively campaigned for certain individuals. He did not campaign for Astorino, because he and Cuomo will be sharing cells together due to their nefarious deeds in Bridgegate

  4. Jim Granelli said at 1:57 pm on November 6th, 2014:

    Bridgegate, we’re back to that again?

  5. Bridgegate said at 3:06 pm on November 6th, 2014:

    Yes, we are back to that Jimbo! Bridgegate is still being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office. So it hasn’t gone away–just not spoken about lately. It’s been a very long investigation I must say. It tells me a long laundry list of people will be going bye bye.

  6. Love him all you want, said at 7:09 pm on November 6th, 2014:

    but the last thing we need in 2016 is someone with skeletons or perceived issues. We need the strongest, squeakiest-clean, most conservative leader we can field, or we will lose the White House again!!