Red Bank Dems Still Ducking Debates

Juanita Lewis, seated left in the beige pants and dark blouse, and Ed Zipprich looking lonely, at their Broad St, Red Bank campaign headquarters this evening.
Red Bank Council Members Ed Zipprich and Juanita Lewis, both of whom were out of town and too busy to debate their Republican challengers Sean DiSomma and Linda Schwabenbauer last night at the West Side Community Group’s 18th annual forum, were back in town this evening, nearly alone in their Broad Street campaign headquarters with four volunteers.
Zipprich and Lewis have yet to respond to DiSomma and Schwabenbauer’s offer to host a Tele-Town Hall debate for Red Bank voters this weekend.
Zipprich and Lewis invited 230 people to come to their headquarters for phone banking tonight. Two people RSVP’d via facebook and as of about 7PM, four people showed up.
150 people showed up to hear the candidates debate last night. Zippy and Lewis should have been there.
This blog continues to mock and criticize everyone not running on the republican side. Being a voter in red bank, I know how hard all the campaigners work. Ed and juanita have been to my door twice already and the fact that you are criticizing Mr. Zipprich because his father was ill and couldn’t make it to the debate is shameful.
who is sick of the tax and spend and bond libs,who have been breaking the average taxpayers,for far too long – may this be the year enough people wake up and realize the continual fraud being perpetrated on us, and send them packing. It was they who picked the date- they could have sent surrogates, as in,their colleagues,who have joined them in their lock- step, huge tax and water/sewer increases and retiree payout-votes,over the years, to answer legitimate concerns,from folks on the side of town they depend upon the most at election time, then abandon them again, as the national Dems do, when they get back in. As incumbents, they should be able to carry out all aspects of a campaign, despite any unfortunate personal issues that sometimes Red Bank, the McKenna clones/holdovers have more than had their day- time for two bright, financially savvy folks to get a chance to put their better ideas, ( I said ideas/ solutions, county Dem puppets!) into action: then maybe a significant number of seniors and generations of natives can finally afford to stay in the town they love and helped build!
How hard they campaign isn’t the point. How hard do they work for their constituents and how responsive are they? Who cares if they want to keep their office? Lewis has the worst attendance record of any council person in over a decade and at least one of them should have made it to the debate. Glad Zips dad is well enough that he can phone bank tonight. When will zip answer to voters? Btw… If you’re a registered democrat, of course they keep coming to your door. You’re not going to challenge them.
‘Are you down with Easy-E?…Oh h@ll no not me!’
Let’s see, deny a pro-life rally & make an obsured connection to Giffords in Arizona, then proceeds to grant permission to other events…yea “Angry Voter” they are a model for representing their people (sarcasm).
Maybe if he didn’t proport lie after lie in campaign after campaign, someone might feel sorry for him. That is of course until they learned he likes to take side trips going the wrong way on the GSP after having a few ‘beverages.’ I don’t care when it was, that mistake is one that could’ve killed someone.
Well when you think about it, that video summed up his council career: ‘Zipprich- Wrong Way on the Parkway & Wrong Way for Red Bank.’
@ Easy – E
” ‘Zipprich- Wrong Way on the Parkway & Wrong Way for Red Bank.’
In my estimation, the BEST comment of the political year. It would make a great campaign commercial.
@ Angry Voter
Well then, why wasn’t Juanita at the debate? Can’t she carry her own without Zippy?
What, are you afraid of the truth and facts put out by this “blog?”
Why were they at your door TWICE? Were they desperate?
Candidates that are confident of their record and their base voting for them shouldn’t have to work that hard at ensuring your vote.
Art G…
When will you require that commentors use a real name? The “debate” will be more legitimate if each person has to be responsible for their comments. It will reduce the vitriol. It will also reduce the number of comments (remember what happened to Red Bank Green when they went to a face book portal) but the increased quality will be worth it.
why muddy the waters with more personal attacks, from those who can’t separate what is being said, versus who is saying it? Art is basically doing folks a favor by not encouraging some of the more crass among us to get themselves in trouble, with potential slander or defamation. This way, it is more fun seeing folks say what they really think, and wondering who might be saying it! Art knows who is who, it’s his blog, he polices it when he deems necessary, and actually does the community a favor, by allowing the freedom of speech to rip and rumble right along, which many of us do appreciate…