After being pressed by conservative donors about his health, New Jersey governor Chris Christie claims he’s lost 85 pounds — ready to potentially run for president for the 2016 elections. The 52-year-old governor is considered by Republicans to be a conservative capable of winning over Democrats after he was re-elected in a landslide victory last year,…
With New Jersey being last or near last with its economic recovery, and receiving 8 downgrades in its creditworthiness; having trusted aides running amok closing the world’s busiest bridge without knowing about it (or did he know?), I think his chances are real poor right now.
Perhaps he should stay in the state and help its economic recovery and Sandy recovery–which seems he started and never finished.
of the issues: agree with@idon’tthinkso..he’s just a disappointment: now, running all over, the trip to Mexico was such a missed opportunity: not a word about the constant flow of illegals and drug cartels through our porous borders, not a word about that poor soldier stuck in prison for making a wrong turn, and, with all we pay for their citizens, with no rules, enforcement, or consequences- it’s so out of control..no, he wants to be a leader, there’s been too many missed chances to really do something needed and meaningful! I want someone new, fresh, conservative, smart, and with the GUTS to finally start doing the tough things we need done, to even start to get the USA back on track!!
The above two commentators.
Besides he is not a real conservative and will not survive the Southern Primaries, even if he does extremely well in Iowa and New Hampshire; and that is doubtful with a big field.
But this election year is what’s important, right now, especially at the county level to squash the little lying bugs again, once and forever. And then to hold the House and take back the Senate.
Because if we don’t, “God Save America.” And even then, I’m not sure he can.