Christie will hold Town Hall Meeting in Belmar, Weds, July 30
The next stop on Governor Chris Christie’s “No Pain, No Gain” tour on the Jersey Shore will be held in Belmar next Wednesday, 3PM, at the Huisman Gazebo, 500 Ocean Ave.
Christie kicked off the tour in Long Beach Island on Tuesday where he said he would be proposing a plan to save New Jersey from bankruptcy by the end of this summer. The work-in-progress plan will focus on reducing pensions and benefits for public workers.
“There are going to be some really difficult things,” Christie said. “There’s not a lot of places left to do things except to look at a whole different variety of ways to reduce benefits or to increase contributions by employees.”
Residents can RSVP for the Belmar event to
Will the pain be on the Christie “inner circle” that just received pay raises as high as 23%? Will the pain be on the Christie patronage appointed employees–those that don’t meet agency qualifications–at the Port
Authority and other commissions?? Is Christie going to follow the law–one that he signed–that he is going to put money into the state pension system? He still has not fulfilled his promise.
Or is this going to be the usual drum beating against government employees?
Belmar has been invaded by illegal aliens, and apparently Governor Christie is allowing the feds to dump more in NJ. I hope someone attending this TH will ask him about this. BTW that gazebo is tiny so get there early.
NJ Among States With Highest Number Of Recent Immigrant Children
went above and beyond as he was grandstanding through Sandy?? The public workers, many of whom went and are still going, above and beyond to help displaced and homeless fellow citizens? The public workers. If he wants reforms, how about going after the double-and sometimes, triple-dipping public officials, electeds, and judges, who have gamed the system for decades, some of whom are his pals in the legislature?? A basic, regular worker, who has worked their entire career at one job, often never getting very high up on the scale, should not be made to suffer or “pay back,” because of the obnoxious pigs that messed it up, in the first place!
If fat boy really wanted to fix the system he would remove everyone that is appointed or elected from it. They are the ones that destroy the system by having some bullshit council gig that they pay peanuts into the fund for 20 years, then get another high paying bullshit job for a year that the pension is based on. But of course fat boy will never do that.
Talk about scams….where the hell is he? Oh I forgot, camapaigning OUT OF STATE again!
Christie is a lying, self serving scumbag.
Blame Catholic Charities USA: