
Christie’s Long Branch Town Hall Rained Out

Long_Branch-20140715-00297Governor Chris Christie’s Town Hall in Long Branch this afternoon has been postponed due to expected back weather.

The Governor’s office said it would be rescheduled soon.

Posted: July 15th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Long Branch, Monmouth County | Tags: , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Christie’s Long Branch Town Hall Rained Out”

  1. Kathy Baratta said at 6:25 pm on July 16th, 2014:

    One would think a former US attorney would be familiar with copyright laws.

    One, obviously, would be wrong.


    My favorite line was: “In short, it was what happens when Michael Bay fans with access to iMovie find themselves working in politics instead of waiting tables in Los Angeles.”

  2. Kathy Baratta said at 6:31 pm on July 16th, 2014:

    Here is the version featuring, “The Rock.”



    Be “fair” (as you claim to be) and interview some government workers who upped their payments and ask them what they think of his reneging on his end.