Christie’s pension plan puts NJ Democrats in a bind as budget deadline looms
TRENTON — No one wants to be the politician who guts spending, raises taxes or reneges on a promise. But thanks to Gov. Chris Christie and a sluggish economic recovery in New Jersey, those are the choices facing Democratic leaders in the state Legislature…
Saw an interesting stat the other day…..For all of the battering Corzine received over the pension mess in 2009 (some of it rightfully earned), the single largest yearly payment by the State of NJ into the pension system was made by his administration.
Through Job Creation. NJ taxpayers can’t afford more taxes and surely can’t keep supporting more social programs. Remember Democrats.. nothing is Free-We the taxpayers pay for it so stop the spending, it’s not monoploly money – it’s coming directly from taxpayers. Work with the Governor not against him, we ALL win then, keep the politics and self interest out of it .