McKenna Convicted Of DWI
Monmouth County roads will be a little safer for the next seven months.
Former Red Bank Mayor Ed McKenna, a Democrat, was convicted of driving while intoxicated last week in Tinton Falls Municipal Court. He received a seven month suspension to his drivers license and a $764 fine.
McKenna was arrested by a New Jersey State Trooper on May 13, 2013 after being involved in a one car accident at mile marker 108 of the Garden State Parkway. He scored nearly three times the legal limit in a breathalyzer test.
Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett did not issue a statement accusing all Democrats of being drunks who are unfit for office. Bennett’s restraint stands in stark contrast to that of his Democratic counterpart, young Vin Gopal. Gopal, 28, accused “local and County Republican politicians” of being corrupt last week after former Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas was indicted for allegedly fraudulent acts to secure the purchase of a farm.
writing an article that this is not big deal that McKenna is just a victim.
In the article, he will blame conservatives and President Bush for the former mayor becoming a victim.
“Republicans are mean and have forced people to work too many hours. The pressure on Ed was just too great and he began to drink because of it. Thank God for President Obama and the ACA. Because of that legislation, people will now get to work less hours and enjoy their life, rather than get drunk” the County Chair of the Monmouth Democrat Organization was heard to say.
He will also ask that every resident of Monmouth County “redistribute” their income and chip in on poor old Ed’s fine.
“It’s just not fair that a senior citizen should have to shoulder that much of a financial burden all by themselves. Republicans are just pushing a senior over the cliff again, making Ed pay such a heavy fine” quotes Gopal.
The big question though is will Gopal call for every citizen of Monmouth County to help get McKenna to his AA meetings?
Silence Dogood, Redux
Shame on you dogood for making fun of someone’s problem but that say what kind of person you are.
You lying weasel. YOU have no right to talk.
The DEM’S always make fun of Republican’s failings. After you remind yourself of your hateful comments to me, just think of Gopal’s own attempt to paint ALL Republicans bad because of one person’s failings. Same with his failed attempt in Red Bank.
Besides, we don’t need to listen to a coward like you who refuses to give his name. You are irrelevant.
Jim Granelli
As I said, “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones.”
And if really dislike people making fun of someone’s problems, choke on this because here’s Wendy Davis supporters mocking a disabled challenger:
You have some chutzpah, don’t you?
Please go back to being invisible. Again, you are just so irrelevant.
Jim Granelli
@Jim or dogood calling names or put downs that what you do. Keep you right-wing sit.You are a childish fool.
Wow Jim now know you are dogood.A brain dead right wing nut.Who has say nothing about how Christie will not let his office people testify before legislative committee are they above the law? You would be going nuts if a DEm say that.But your a phony
This man’s long- obvious problem did not result in any deaths.. Often it is the bigger egos who have the most difficulty in admitting to, and seeking help for, a problem.. Anyone in his town knows how long he was enabled, and covered for, because of his office and power.. It is always a sad situation for someone to be in this condition.. Hope this public outing and the court orders force him to get the help he has needed for, frankly,many years..
If this clown was at a Democratic fundraiser attended by local and county Democratic politicians while drowning himself with Jack Daniels or some other premium brand, became heavily drunk and then drove off, I imagine some Republicans would have something to say about it.
And would there be any doubt that if this same individual bought property in Red Bank and then sold it back to the town at a huge profit, GOP politicians like would have something to say about it as well?
“calling names or put downs?”
I give bill EXACTLY what he has given me over the long months he has been dribbling his crap all over blogs, cowardly hiding behind a screen with no name.
He has been an insulting moron here and elsewhere. His personal insults are legendary. When he learns to stop, he’ll get treated with respect by me.
FYI DEM, you write like a 2nd grader.
@ Bill Benn
Bill Benn is this the person formerly named “bill?” If so, is that your real name, or is it weak attempt to respond to my criticism of you for not using his full name.
Can you prove that’s your name?
Anyway, I have no freaking clue what you are mumbling about, but Silence Dogood I am not. I assure you.
Interestingly friends,
Neither Dem or Bill Benn seem to know how to write or use proper English. So, the only conclusion I can draw is that they are one in the same.
@ Donny Delight…
Let me make this perfectly clear for you. There is NOTHING wrong with profit.
What was wrong was that Lucas allegedly defrauded a bank and someone else. That, there is plenty wrong with.
The County did NOTHING wrong.
And I am PLENTY mad at Andy Lucas if this is all true. I thought a lot of him in the early days and he burned his friends; again if proven guilty. I believe I have said that elsewhere on MMM.
Donny, you need some grammar lessons too so I suspect you are “bill” and are on a dissociative identity disorder binge with all of your multiple personalities showing tonight.
After all, what else can one say based on the above writings?
Now all, as to Christie, let me also make this clear for the very last time:
I have no problem with the investigation and have also said something about that here and on other blogs. All should come clean and supply the info as requested by the committee.
All GUILTY should pay the penalty.
With that in mind, when are you moronic liberals going to go after the President for his lies and abuses of power which far out weight the situation with Lucas or the Governor?
Until then, you are all worthless hypocrites.
Now children, it is way past your bedtime. Kindergarten was long over many hours ago.
Jim Granelli.
Donny Deelight,
I would hope both D’s at the fundraiser would have given the clown a ride or called him a cab.
You’re right. If the clown bought property in Red Bank and sold it to the town at a huge profit, many R’s would have something to say about it. I would hope many D’s would too, just as many R’s objected to Lucas’s Burke farm land preservation deal.
But the farmland preservation deal had nothing to do with how Lucas acquired the property. If is for how he acquired the property that he has been indicted.
Another Mayor who thinks he’s above the law. Why am I thinking of Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto?
that this one individual was driven home many a time by taxpayer- funded employees- that’s called enabling/ fear of job repercussions, whatever.. Ethically, too, there have been many concerns and questions over the years, but how does one beat local campaign money differentials of 4-10 to one, on any given year? And, it usually applies that, if a majority is”getting by,” in little towns especially, the incumbents get to stay and wield more power, and, in similar cases, some get what they can get.. Again, a personal illness like this one, usually starts with the personal choice to start.. And again, hope the person has learned a lesson, and truly gets enough help, to not put himself or others in danger, again!
@many have said. You said it all. Like a marlboro with all that money wheeled in by Jon Hornick from Bergen and middlesex county , and the has the same problem as this red bank mayor. He wrecked his porche into a mail box on the way home one night, no p.d., then this summer after a bar mitzvah , he ran his car thought his own back yard, and totaled it. Then said it jumped out of gear and rolled down the hill, it must be a magic car , because his driveway is up hill and surrounded by belgen block. (Insurance fraud maybe?) these guys get away with this stuff and think they are above the law, god help us all.
I have a seat for you Eddie, if you want to come in.